Has anyone heard the TAD Evo One and the Raidho TD floorstanders? How do they compare?

Does anyone have any thoughts on which of these speakers you liked better? Or on how either line sounded to you? I haven’t heard the Raidhos. All opinions are welcome and appreciated, by me anyway. I can’t vouch for some of the more contentious Audiogoners.


Borresen is trying to make a "statement " with their new X-3 floorstander @ 11K per pair. When other companies are giving you a wooden box at that price, the X-3's are a work of art....Musically and visually. Tremendous value.

Any T.A.D. speaker I have heard I have enjoyed, like Joseph Audio, Sonus, etc.

Years ago I dialed in a pair of used D2's into my 21' wide x 17' deep by 8'-12' l-r, side sloped ceiling, room (with two large openings side and rear). They are not concert machines but the will go down near flat to 31Hz and with power and speed.

These are my last speakers (I truly think). They creamed my Dynaudio Sapphires and I'd been pleased. I do use a DSPeaker Anti-mode unit to tame the room a bit and the Raidho bass blump I and others notice. A flat frequency response from those speakers makes recorded music sound stunning at any level (up to so high).

The Borreson's I've heard were fabulous but I might actually prefer Michael's D-series. I don't play concerts at home (thanks for the tweeter tip, blisshifi!) and the little woofers give in first if I get too excited (although I am less sure of that as I have changed amps to an Odyssey Kismet-amazingly audible positive changes including deeper stronger bass).


These two are my favorite brands. TAD sounds more 3d spacious with thickness while Raidho is more natural like with its ribbon twitter. 

I would really like to hear a real Tad. I had Pioneer (Tad light) S1eX and they didn’t do it for me at all with multiple amplification. Really tried to like them cause they were beautiful and built like a brick sh..house. But alas….. not for me.