Has anybody tried Qobuz Streaming service?

Hi and thanks for reading!

Has anybody tried Qobuz and compared it to TIDAL? I read that Qobuz streams 24/196 files which may be higher than even TIDAL Master quality?? If you have made the switch to Qobuz, was it easy to integrate into your streaming system?

I look forward to hearing from people who have tried Qobuz and either loved it or disliked it compared to TIDAL.


Showing 2 responses by tuberist

HG, i'm interested in Qobuz since I don't have a MQA dac, with no plans to buy one to access MQA on Tidal (I am a subscriber)
Lowrider, I appreciate the comments about the "content" of the various streaming services you mentioned since I'm now completely into streaming when not serving my CD collection. Since my two favorite idioms are jazz and classical, I'll now certainly give Qobuz a try. I like Tidal but don't have a MQA dac and I do get turned off by the relentless promotion of a music genre I don't care for but that's Jay Z and what I expect.