Has anybody tried Qobuz Streaming service?

Hi and thanks for reading!

Has anybody tried Qobuz and compared it to TIDAL? I read that Qobuz streams 24/196 files which may be higher than even TIDAL Master quality?? If you have made the switch to Qobuz, was it easy to integrate into your streaming system?

I look forward to hearing from people who have tried Qobuz and either loved it or disliked it compared to TIDAL.


Showing 3 responses by ozzy

 Is there a way to search the Quboz library prior to signing up for the service to see what music is available?

Bryston is supposedly adding Qoboz to the BDP-2. I was hoping to review the music prior to that availability.

Thanks for the help.

As soon as it is available on my Bryston BDP 2 I will sign up for a free trial. 
Now what to do with the 6000+ cd's I have? (BTW, I have loaded them onto a 8TB hard drive) with the best resolution possible).
