Has a Power Conditioner Improved Your Sound?

My system sounds great. When it is on and not playing music it is dead silent. I tried a PowerPlant Regenerator and it didn’t improve my sound. Actually it slightly constricted my soundstage. Like most audiophiles I’m always searching for that next improvement and wonder if a power conditioner might add something to my SQ So before I start auditioning any power conditioners on a 30 day trial I’d like to know if anyone has experienced a significant improvement to their system, what that improvement was and which power conditioners they used. Right now I’m considering the Isoteck brand. Possibly the Aquarius or Electra. I’d most likely keep the amp plugged into the wall and connect my Streamer and DAC to the conditioner.


As quiet as your system may seem without using a proper Power Conditioner, believe me, it can get even quieter.  Over the years, I've tried  several conditioners, and the one that ended up being a keeper for me was the Audioquest Niagara 3000.  The Audioquest Niagara 3000 is a non-power restricting device that has two special "High Current" plugs on board, which are designed especially for amplifiers.  I have everything plugged into my Niagara 3000, including my amplifier, with excellent results.  If the Niagara 3000 is beyond your budget, just go for the the Niagara 1200, which is just a downsized version of the Niagara 3000.  I'm pretty sure that my Niagara 3000 will be my last Power Conditioner.  Happy listening.     

I use a Niagara 5000 and 7000 in a couple of my rigs.

If you don’t feel like spending all that much, get the powerquest 707.

In addition to the filters and protection, these units maintain/supply a current reservoir on the high current outlets for your power amps. It is like an adrenalin shot for any poweramp and can make your amps slam like crazy on demanding tracks at high spls. After you get used to it, you won’t be going back.

P.S. Only the Niagara 3000, 5000, 7000 and the Powerquest 707 offer the above mentioned. Other AQ models don’t.

I had my doubts that adding a power conditioner would substantially improve my already highly resolving system. However, I recently decided to try a Shunyata Denali. It proved to be a major upgrade. It's not going back. Improved soundstage, imaging, detail, and separation. YMMV

I, too, had my doubts about power conditioning until I tried a Audioquest Niagara 1200. It did what ghdprentice mentioned, in revealing a lower noise floor allowing for more info to come forward, completing the picture, so to speak. 

Before that I tried Brickwall and some other brand that when compared, sounded better going straight into the wall outlet. 

All the best,

I primarily use them as surge protection. I have lighting/surge protection for the house, but add more for expensive equipment. Sound improvement? Haven’t noticed. YMMV. There are no a big RFI or EMI sources where I live and mains are clean. Nothing fancy, mostly in $200 range.

But effect may also depend on type of your equipment and how good are their power supplies. Some tube gear has pretty simply power supplies and may be more sensitive to the noise.