Grateful Dead Remasters?

My American Beauty and Workingman's Dead Cds are getting a little old. Noticed 2003 remasters on Rhino. Any sonic improvement to be had by purchasing the Rhinos? Seems that remasters are a hit and miss proposition in that some are improvements and some are not. Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks!
FWIW I would get the Working Man's Dead on DVD-Audio, they did a great job remastering it if you have theat format.
I bought the rhino remastered GOING FOR THE ONE by YES on cd. It is better than the LP I have. The LP is not a master. The LP is thin lifeless. The Rhino cd is richer better tonality and dementionality.
I have the Rhino remasters from the box set called "The Golden Road." I think it was from about 2001. It's the first eight records on something like 12 discs. And they are fabulous, all of 'em. In fact, I just happened to be playing a couple of them last night. Most highly recommended. Great sound and great extra tracks. Buy 'em and enjoy over and over and over. "Like I told ya, what I said ... "
Go for it. They sound is very good and the bonus material on Amoxomoxma, for example, is worth the price of admission.
I have a bunch of stuff from Rhino. They are the remaster masters IMO. I would bet on the Dead material.

The Yes stuff is totally amazing as Sayggr suggests. The Relayer copy came out the best. I hope "Terrapin Station" is in there...
Been a fan of the Dead from the beginning. Maybe time to update my CDs. Thanks everyone for your input.
I have both of them, I didn't have the
old ones but the new ones sound superb
plus they extend each CD with extra songs
& "Live" material. Go for it!
I have American Beauty and Workingman's Dead on DVD-Audio and they sound *superb*. Good use of surround sound and some of the tracks have different mizes than the originals. Highly recommended!

I have both original vinyl pressings of Workingmans Dead and American Beauty. The remastered CDs come quite close to capturing the warmth and vitality of vinyl. Although I haven't heard the remasters of the Dead's later releases, ie., from Shakedown Street through their last release, I've been quite impressed with all of the remasters I have heard. You should also check out the reissues of Garcia's solo outings. I just put on Reflections the other day and was amazed at how good it sounded.
These remasters should be available just about any place you buy CDs. They have been available since 2003 and are put out by Rhino. I started this thread because I have older versions than the Rhinos. I have ordered the newer versions on the above recommendations. Thanks to everyone who responded!

Thanks. Thought they may only be avaiable through limited outlets. I also have the original vinyl, the early CD re-releases, and would love to hear some of the remasters to see if they take advantage of the newer technology. Off to BB tomorrow to see what they have. I am glad to see some of Garcias' side efforts are being redone. I have been looking for a copy of "Garcia" for a long time. Maybe I haven't been looking hard enough.

Jim S.
Relative to the older CDs the remasters replace a murky presentaion with real bass, more clarity and some air. In this case remastering has accomplished a huge improvement. Kudos to Rhino for doing justice to some fine music. Long live the Dead!
I remember when Time magazine declared The Band the greatest band in America. I remember thinking, wait a minute, how about the Dead. Now I always liked The Band but IMO they never produced an album as great as American Beauty or Workingman's Dead.
BTW: Rush Limbaughs statement "another dead junkie" in regard to Jerry Garcia really pissed me off. The Dead and Jerry Garcia have left a creative legacy of excellent music. What has Limbaugh created? Besides, who's the junkie?