Grado Signature Ultra-wide Bandwidth Reference Cable??

Somewhere along the way I picked up a pair of these 1m RCA cables. My guess is that they were included with a pair of headphones I bought; I don't remember buying them. I can find little information about them. They feel solid and I'm going to try them out in my system. Can anyone comment on their quality, strengths, weaknesses? Or perhaps the lack of information on the internet says it all?
I appreciate that, tablejockey. I'll take it with a nudge and a wink, and I'll retract *my* snark. I just get so tired of all the juvenile hostility out here, the attitudes. I jumped too quickly on your post.

I agree that my reaction to the cables will be mine and, in terms of sound quality, nothing else matters. Still, I found this pair of cables in a box of audio stuff and I'm curious about them. I'm also curious that Grado doesn't seem make cables any more. What are these things? Do people use them? 
Seriously, no offense. 

My response would be the same in person, but it would be with a nudge and wink. Lurking and being around since the inception of Agon, you learn to see any responses as not "snark" and maybe you go with a posters reply, not take it as an assault on your intelligence.

I use this forum to prevent anything from catching fire or blowing up, that's about it. SQ is  subjective, everyone can contradict all the "experts" here.
Thanks for the snark, tablejockey! Well played! Brilliant. I feel humiliated. Why didn't I think of that? Oh, wait, I actually said that I was going to try them. I just checked and, yup, I said that. This may not be so obvious but that actually implies that I plan to listen with my own ears. Maybe next time you use the most advanced technique and *read*, and also show a bit more community spirit. Your post is everything that's wrong with this forum.