Good Speakers with Pass XA30.5 Power Amp?

I'm currently using a Pass XA30.5 power amp (with Pass XP-10 preamp) to drive a pair of PSB Synchrony One. Cabling is all Wireworld Equinox 7 and room is about 12'(W) x 24'(L) x 12'(H) with speakers firing down the long dimension - although I can only sit about 7' from the plane of the speakers. I find the sound somewhat laid-back, i.e., lacking in liveliness and I'm constantly fussing over the sound of the system. I listen at very moderate levels to a wide variety of music, but typically jazz (vocals), classical and choral music - with the occasional reggae and pop fare.

It's been suggested to me that the combination of the Pass XA30.5 and Synchrony One may not be a good match so I'm soliciting suggestions for speakers that should work better with the Pass amp - i.e., a more lively presentation. I'd prefer full-range speakers at least the equal of the Synchrony One in resolution and frequency extension. My budget is less than $4k used.
First, do my 2' listening test.

Bring the speakers out into the room and sit about 2' away. This will reveal the actual tonality of the speakers. The difference between that and your normal experience is room acoustics.
Excellent idea. I'd never have thought of doing that. I'll give it a try. Thanks!
As far as you can!! :)

Point is to get away from all the reflections and just listen to the speakers themselves. This will give you an audible delta, especially in terms of imaging, and mid-treble.

how far do I bring out the speakers into my room? Distance from back wall?
Side walls?  Happy Listening!
First, do my 2' listening test.

Bring the speakers out into the room and sit about 2' away. This will reveal the actual tonality of the speakers. The difference between that and your normal experience is room acoustics.


<<ELAC dealer disclaimer>>
When the Elac Adante AF 61 is released in two months it will most likely compete with all speakers under $10k.  It's going to be a very special speaker.  Andrew Jones is a VERY clever guy.  :-)

When I approached him about a year ago, he offered me to ship it free of cost from Singapore to India. At that time it was listed at 4500 though. I finally bought my pair from Tom (audioloft in NY). 
Is anyone using (or has heard) this amp with Acoustic Zen Adagios? Will these be markedly different from (more lively than) the PSB Synchrony One?

I believe I saw SV II for sale on audiogon from SIngapore, offered at 3600 USD. Its a great value at that price IMO. 
I'm sure it would cost quite a bit to get a pair of those speakers shipped to the US from Singapore ...
I am using Pass XA 30.5 with Cary SLP 98 Preamp. I recently bought Coincident super victory II. My source is Sony HAP Z1 ES.

its been about 3 months and the combo sounds great to me. Very clear and detailed sound. I like to listen to Simple Jazz, old classic rock, Instrumental, and Indian Music. The SV II are fantastic in these kinds of music. I have not heard many other speakers though. My room is very live and i am planning to do some room treatment. I am sure that will improve the sound to a great extent.

I believe I saw SV II for sale on audiogon from SIngapore, offered at 3600 USD. Its a great value at that price IMO.
I'm running an XA30.5 at the moment with a pair of Magico S3's in a 15x24 room and find it to be an excellent match short of trying to reproduce Rave/Rock Concert levels in my room.

I would doubt that your speakers load is much of an issue for this amp since the load of my speakers is significantly more brutal and the amp seems barley phased by them. In fact, I've only seen the needle slightly move when cranking it up to a 92-95db level at my seated position 9ft away.

I typically listen to Rock/Metal/Pop so if there were an issue with its output power or lack thereof driving the S3's I would notice it pretty quickly. So far, I haven't witnessed any problems with it.

With that said though, there is no question that the XA30.5 is known to be a laidback sounding amplifier anyway. If you happen to be using cabling that is also laidback then this perception of its sound could be even more compounded.

I would recommend trying a dead neutral set of XLR Interconnects and Speaker cables from Mogami as an inexpensive test to see if it livens things up a bit for you.

I have a Pass XA 30.5 that I switch out time with a pair of VTL MB 125 tube amps and I love it with my Wilson Sophia 1s, really nice combo and our listening taste and music are similar. 

Anyone try original Quads (57s) with the XA30.5? Apparently the XA30.8 is a great match for the Quads according to an online review.

I have a Pass Labs XA30.8 and its currently powering my Proac D-30Rs.
They are an easy load for that amp and match well together IMO.

Having participated in your previous thread, I’d like to add some facts regarding the Synchrony One. It is a demanding load with an impedance magnitude which stays below 4 ohms throughout the midrange and drops below 3 ohms at several frequencies. Specs; 88dB sensitivity/4 ohms.This speaker performs well with high SS power/current, so I recommended a more efficient and neutral speaker for the Pass’s 30wpc/8 ohms.