Get out and listen!

Yesterday my wife and I went to the Seattle Symphony at Benaroya Hall. It had been far too long that I'd heard live instruments that weren't rock or country, thus greatly amplified. There's something very different about the symphony or chamber or classical music in general when it's live than the aforementioned genres.

We were in row L, just off center and had a great place to enjoy the performance. Not too close and yet close enough to hear nuances. Of course the second thing I did right after letting myself be immersed was to consider the contrast between my system and a live performance. I'm not going to say that my system rivals a live performance! I am going to say that within the limitations that we all deal with (space, budget, esthetics) that it acquits itself acceptably. If anything, it might be a bit heavy on the bottom end. I need to dial back my sub a bit.

Anyway, the reason for my post is simply to encourage audiophile to get out and listen to the real thing. There is a movement in Handel's Water Music that begins with a pair of french horns that literally brought tears to my eyes. Despite all the time, effort and money we spend on our rigs, there is simply nothing that compares to the real thing. Nothing... Happy Listening.



Showing 2 responses by musicfan2349

@ghdprentice - Sorry to hear about your sound issues. It'd be a shame if they screwed it up in the name of "progress". I live in Edmonds just north of SEA. The arts center is a really nice venue. Saw Travis Tritt do an acoustic set there and he was great. Excellent sound too. I need to see when the next chamber performance is.

@cd318 - I know what you mean. I haven't turned my system on since the concert. I'm almost afraid to! 😉

Good day all. A few final thoughts on this, then I'll sign off. But first, @millercarbon - I haven't seen you in awhile. I think you encapsulated things best: "...I think a lot of what ails high end audio would go away in a heartbeat if only more of us would take your advice and go out and listen."

Welcome back.

I believe that the best any audiophile can do with an imperfect room, speakers and whatever source and source material they have is to create a facsimile of the real thing. (Note: I'm stating that as a belief, not fact.)

Yes, we can spend thousands, hundreds of thousands even, but to actually recreate a live performance?  I don't believe so. OTOH, I do believe that as long as we don't lose sight of the idea that "the music is the thing" then why not enjoy the pursuit of the most pleasing recreation we can muster? That's why they call it a hobby, right? 😉

Happy listening.