Genalex Gold Lion 12AX7 - different grades?

Hello all - I’ve been searching for a new set of tubes for my Manley Snappers and have decided to go with the Gold Lion KT77s & 12AX7 . One seller I like has referenced they have different grades "Gold/Platinum" of the 12AX7 , lower noise shelf , microphonics this possible or sales I look around other sellers the 12AX7s all look the same , no classification differences...thanks
I think I have seen the online seller's site you are referencing to. Not sure that the grades mean. But I moved from Genalex Gold Lion to Psvane for my 12AU7 requirements. I suggest you reach out to Viva tubes since they have both and find out the "characteristics" before you make a choice. Their prices are fair and shipping is reasonable.
So you know GL 10% matching, is considered matched, I venture a guess and say, 5% is one option, with gold pins, maybe. They are still russian made valves. Nothing fancy like the older GL KT88s.

Second PSVANE does it out of the gate, GOOD valve, 5% or better matching. Not as dark, I don't know how else to explain GL valves, to me they lack the the luster, I like. To tame so to speak..
PSVANE, GOOD Tellies, (really rare any more) RCA black plate, 59-64 or so. For the money, and for the SQ, PSVANE.

depends on who is doing the claiming and the selling

reputable and truly dedicated tube sellers will screen and test the tubes themselves, not just rely on the factory in china, whose work can often be inconsistent and suspect

and i hope you realize these golden lion tubes are NOT the original British tubes, these are China made copies, they just bought the brand name... absolutely nothing to do with the original genalex on which the brand and reputation was built
Seriously, If you have equipment from Manley Labs, you should contact them directly if you havent already because they have a very large supply of NOS tubes from the 50's 60's 70's. These will sound way better than any new reissued Gold Lion's (this is what all the sites sell). Otherwise try ANDY at Vintage Tube Audio in Michigan. (be prepared to wait a while its worth it) :-)

Matt M
The Gold Lion re-pops are made in Russia and their reliability- much better than the ____, coming out of China.          Ask any reputable tube monger, for the facts.      Still: +1, far as NOS valves and their sonics, over anything currently manufactured.
Brent Jessee is another reliable NOS tube vendor
Here's a link to his 12ax7 tube page , aside from a listing of brands/models available, you can also read his assessment of how the brands/models sound

disclosure I am only a customer
Would agree with @milpai, go with the psvanes from vivatubes.

vivia tubes is also carrying the latest vanes, the new art series.. Have just ordered a quad set for myself but have not tried em yet.
rodman99 is correct

i should restate what i posted earlier

genalex gold lion reissues are russian tubes, the brand is owned now by new sensor, and the tubes are made in the saratov russian plant... quality is quite good, probably the best currently made tube

it is the golden dragons, which are chinese tubes, made by shuguang... the chinese have improved their quality quite a bit since the bad old days of the 2000's and early 2010's... but russian tubes are still better in general
@jjss49 thanks for the update on the Shuguang QC improvement. I had tried there KT-88's years ago and really enjoyed them but there were to many failures within the first few months to justify continued use.
I have, the a few of the original GLs 1960s stuff, a quad of KT77 and KT88s, I have a set of KT77s russian made current matched (12). They sound a lot like the original GL. I don’t like the sound, it’s darker, lacks luster, so to speak. Some folks seem to like that sound, I don’t! I have GLs 12AX7s, 12AU7s, and EL84s, not a one of them are anything to write home about. NOS, New, or otherwise.

A valve that is really stepping up to the plate is PSVANE, I picked up 12AX7s and 12AU7s, VERY good valves, as close to the older Tellies or RCA black plate as I can find, Excellent valves... THAT is the sound I like.

It is VERY tubie, by todays standards.. YES TUBIE. A little bloat in the middle and silky smooth on the top, not brash, or all metal sounding, no bass because I don’t use valve units for bass on the power side.

In a preamp they are just the bomb, great bottom to top. Kind of a frown, if we were looking at an Graphic EQ.


Hello from another Manley Snapper user. Just wondering if you did get around to trying the Gold Lion KT77 in your Snappers? if so, what were the results. I have mine running with Tung Sol 34B and great as they are I am looking for improvement in bass (with losing the mids or highs) and have read on some forums that KT77 offers better over all sound including better bass. Looking to learn from your experience.
@charan : 
I decided to just go with Manley's advice & just redo the Tung Sol EL34B. Since I retubed both snappers of the tubes on the left is intermittent noisy , tap it , fine 😑. I think I'll try the Gold Lion's next up. 
@tommypenngotti. Thanks for your update. Will keep an eye out for your experience with the Gold Lion KT77