Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.
I have the Gabriel Gold Revelations so I may be a bit partial(as many others here are who own them) as they are certainly the best IC that I have ever heard.I find them to have incredible depth and layering with instuments and voices presented in accurate fashion.
Along with great bass and staging.

My point is
Let us not be mistaken between DEPTH and RECESSED.

Recessed,meaning that it does go back deep but does not have the capability to differentiate.

Or as Mr. Webster believes " a withdrawing from usual activity" ("a recessed cable sure makes me withdraw from the activity of listening to tunes and usually promotes the activity of watching TV)

Regarding depth
"distance from front to back"
The GG'S have depth, solidity,tonallity and with natural musical flavors coming out of a beautiful quiet black background .(wow that made me hungry)

I've listened to some cables and I won't mention names that I thought had great depth upon initial listening.
After just a short period of time it's like "where's the music ? "
"Please reach me baby" / "It sounds good in the room behind the wall I bet"

I have not heard the Jade cable but hear they are a very good with nice sparkle and slam.However,I have heard from a member that has listened to both cables and believes that the Jade is more recessed and that the Gabriel Gold were much truer to the music and just let's things flow naturally.

I have owned other cables that are VERY! recessed and I feel like I have to put my chair in front of the speakers
to get a sense of a live performance.

I don't like sitting in the last row at a show or the first row for that matter.I want the perfect seat!

I want to be able to have a sense of how the performance was recorded live or studio mix and have everything hit my ears as it should be.

Man,I know I am asking for a lot,however,I think I am right there with the GG Revelations
Just my opinion
Jmcgrogan2 - I have not heard the GG cables, and hope to one of these days, but I have much experience with the Jade Hybrid, Stealth Indra and Dominus ICs. You are spot on about the Jade Hybrid doing depth like no IC before. It is not that the others are lacking here but that the Hybrid takes this to a whole new level. This alone makes the Jade IC the keeper. And once we hear this, it is really tough to go back to the others no matter what strengths the other cables might have. I find that the IC into the amp is where this difference really comes to play. The GG Revelation remains that last IC that I want to hear to find out for myself.
Hi Bob,

Yes, I appreciate that all opinions are to be respected. I also have the utmost respect for all of Steve's cables, they really do sound fantastic compared to all of the very expensive cables I've heard prior.

For your questions, I heard the Eichmann edition of the Extreme interconnect. I also had Steve custom make me a 1 meter length of his Revelation speaker cable. Yes, he did recommend that I go at least 6 feet in length, as did many other cable manufacturers.

I compared the 1 meter length of the GG Revelation to my current reference, a 3 ft run of PAD Dominus (yes, I have monoblock amps). I really enjoy the tonality of the GG cables, they really are amongst the best I've ever heard.
However, the soundstage was very truncated, especially height wise with the Revelation speaker cables. It was the first time that I've ever felt as though I was ever 'listening down onto a performance'.
Shockingly, the soundstage was beneath me.

Yes, this could be a result of a shorter length (1 meter). Steve did say that he had'nt heard a 1 meter length before. I also want to re-iterate that it did sound very, very good...tonally.

I will know for sure in a couple months, after I've received a 4 foot pair of the Jade Audio Vermeil speaker cables. I have experimented with the Vermeil and the Hybrid interconnects, as well as the Vermeil speaker cables. I've also become very fond of the Stealth Dream power cords.

IMO, IMS, these combo (Jade and Stealth) have combined for the most incredible, natural, realistic sound I have heard in my system in my 30 years of listening.

John :)
I just received my GG Revelation ICs a couple of days ago and they are still burning in. I do agree with most comments here (and John's for the most part) as to the sonic quality of the GG cables based on my experience with the Extreme. I can also respect John's opinion. I have not heard the Jade Hybrid, but have heard the Vermeil (I'm probably one of the few who returned them).

I think the Jade Vermeil is a great cable and I believe John describes the sonic qualities accurately. However, in my system and based on my tastes the Vermeil did not beat out the Oritek X-2, and in fact in comparison lacked that little extra sparkle on the top end. When I got the Extremes and they were properly burned in they beat out the X-2.

I did notice a slightly wider and taller soundstage with the Extreme cables. However, my room size and dimensions have always caused soundstage issues. So could the soundstage be much wider and taller as some report? Possibly, I'll never know until I move and have a more appropriate listening room. I do know that the GG cables agree with my tastes and I'm anxiously awaiting the burn in of the Revelations so that I can better evaluate how they sound in my system. So far initial impressions are favorable.
jmcgrogan2-I was wondering what version of the Extremes you were listening to?(Eichmann connectors?) From what I've gathered from this thread the member you refer borrowing cables from(Art who I have also conversed with) had his interconnects modified with different connectors (Bocchinos)for some reason.
As far as the speaker wire goes - What length/configuration
of Revelation speaker wire are you running.I use an 8ft pair of Revelations and my soundstage is climbing the ceiling with more layers of depth that I can count to.I know from conversations with Steve that he really frowns on anything less than 6ft runs as most manufacturers do.
Although it sounds like you really appreciate the sound of the GG's ,your sonic impression of the Gabriel Golds don't sound like what I hear nor other postings.
It is your opinion and all opinions are to be respected.
I should probably chime in here. I've tried a pair of GG Extreme ic's (thanks Art), and I bought a pair of GG Revelation speaker cables, that I've owned for a month. I really do love the GG tonality, it is really spot on. As good as or better than anything else I've heard, and I've heard a lot. I do have issues with the soundstaging of the GG cables though. The Extreme ic was a tad shallow in soundstage depth, and the Revelation, was a bit short on stage height. Small complaints to be sure, as these are very, very good cables. However, I have found that Jade Audio Hybrid and Vermeil interconnects and speaker cables are more to my tastes.

Tonally the Jade Audio and the GG are about equal, the GG are slightly more transparent and quicker, the Jade's slightly more richer and sweeter. I do note that I have enhanced these desriptions for the sake of clarity. Both cables are gold based, and as such have a great tonality.

The Jade wins (for me) in soundstaging. It has much greater depth and height than the GG cables. It actually has greater depth than my PAD Dominus reference, and almost as much height. Soundstage width is about the same.

That is just IMO, IMS, YMMV!

I agree that the GG Revelations are a great product. Everything is presented with a natural balanced ease. Bass is quite spectacular and the treble sings without being overly aggressive or harsh. IMO: the price to performance ratio is off the charts.
Did I mention that I really like these cables? Hats off to Mr. Brunelle for designing and producing a marvelous product!!!
I bought GG Revelation interconnects 1 month ago to replace my AZ Silver Reference 2 as i always found the AZ a little bright in my system (and i have used the cables with 3 different cdp with the same result each time). I didn't regret my decision! IMO, the GG is clearly better than the Silver Reference 2. The brightness is now gone and the sound is more natural, the details are better integrated in the music. A great product!!!
i would like to know more re;gabriel. iwas told to look for MIT 750 music hose circa 1980-85--to get the fuzzy, bass heavy out of the old martin logan cls speakers i'm using. can't find them---so looking for a substitute that is affordable. Any advice out there? cheers,mb*
I want to clarify my statement about the Gabriel being a hair closed in and bass a bit fuzzy.
1. This was my impression of the cable right out of the box.
2. The qualities I was describing were extremely slight.
3. This was my impression compared to the well broken-in VD Revelation.
4. In retrospect it was such a worthless statement that perhaps I shouldn't have made it. My apologies.
On a more postiteve note,the Gabriel Revelations have been in my system for two days now and are opening quite nicely and the bass has gained definition.
rja-I have been following this thread and partipating as you have, and I don't get the "fuzzy" comment.
It is though the first of it's kind in this thread.
Even new out of the box I have not read such a description yet.
All of my GG's and other members have commented that the cable sounds great out of the box and just gets better(150 break-in time).You may want to let them break -in a bit and see if the sound changes as it should and then repost your findings.
These cables seem to have great synergy in all of the systems I have heard they were installed in.
Put in my new Gabriel Revelations last night. Right out of the box, just a hair closed in and bass, while there, was a bit fuzzy. These are just preliminary impressions that don't really mean much at this point, just thought I'd report. I have owned the Gabriel Golds and liked them a lot but I've been using Virtual Dynamics Revelation v1 with great satisfaction for about a year now. All the cables mentioned were balanced. I'll try to get back to this thread after the Gabriels get more time, maybe a week or two.
BTW: I really enjoyed dealing with Steve B.
La45, not yet Steve should be shipping mine today or tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to post something late next week after they settle in for 100 hours or so.
Sounds like an intersting shoot-out.
Two great cables(big pice difference though)
Once the cables break-in and you do your comparison I will be very interested in your opinion.
I'm going to have a Revelation vs Revelation shoot-out at the OK Corral. I'm currently using balanced Virtual Dynamics (version 1) ICs and Steve has just sent out a pair of balanced Gabriel Revelation ICs. I have tried the GGs and liked them. We'll see what happens!
Well I just bit the bullet and bought the GG Revelation RCAs from Steve to go with my GG Extreme RCAs. My plan is to run the Revelation from DAC to preamp and the Extreme from preamp to amp. It will be interesting to hear how this sounds.
the gg's have bested all cables i have tried including some pretty seriouis mega buck big potato guys like siltech ftm4sg, stealth metacarbon and analysis plus golden ovals. but, hearing is believing and if you haven't heard them, speculation is just that and has no really value....a doily twisting in the wind.....a modern day antimacassar oil salesman...
now i still believe that different positions carry more impact on a system's sound but all of those positions sound best with the same cable....and that's the gabriel golds. weird, but true. my opinion, but i don't think i am alone here.

Budburma, your statement is very true. I have found that other cables get in the way of the music. The GG let the music flow, no coloration, no brightnes, just music. The best sound is all GG cables on the componets, no mixing of cables here. Steve has been a class act all the way, that makes him "Big" in my book. I have known a few "Big Fry" dealers who have forgotten that it is about the music.
"we don't need another hero"! ok, so it's a bad song....

i think any and all of us would just plain buy the best cable they can find for their system as long as they could afford it. big baked potato guy or small fry guy. best is best. and that's what we all want. that and as much as we can get for free!

the gg's have bested all cables i have tried including some pretty seriouis mega buck big potato guys like siltech ftm4sg, stealth metacarbon and analysis plus golden ovals. but, hearing is believing and if you haven't heard them, speculation is just that and has no really value....a doily twisting in the wind.....a modern day antimacassar oil salesman...

prior to owning the gg's i believed that finding synergy was like catching lightning in a bottle. all luck and keep on trying. each position in a system requiring its own lightning. but, now i still believe that different positions carry more impact on a system's sound but all of those positions sound best with the same cable....and that's the gabriel golds. weird, but true. my opinion, but i don't think i am alone here.

i still use the stealth mlt s/c's....sort of a long run and so pretty expensive, but if i could come up with the dough, i would absolutely throw it at a pair of revelations. i also use a variety of p/c's. lightning in a bottle still. i do think a system fully wired with one cable is conceptually attractive....maybe a one brand equipment and one cable system....but that means you still think synergy is king. i now think best is best.

so, who cares how many feet of wire costs how much and what the percentage and purity of the different metals are?! the sound of the gg's is absolutely astounding. come on in, water's warm. enjoy the tunes!
Geojap I definately see your point.
I guess my point is/was that just because you are a small company it doesn't mean that you go out there and build your products with inferior parts or wire.
I believe the opposite.
You don't have to buy 100000 feet of wire from a manufacturer to get custom wire you can buy 10000 feet.You just pay more for it.I know the GG product is world class in design,sonics and appearance and I am sure the AM is right up there too!
and besides come to think of it I am partial to fries over baked potatoes when it comes right down to it anyway
WOW! I hope the people at Audio Metallurgy and Steve don't mind being called "small fries"
I hear both of them have some deep pockets.

This is purely a objective, academic discussion, no need for consideration of egos or tip-toeing around semantics, I think. The term was used merely to provide a relative reference or point of contrast from which the author could begin to make his point.

I too have wondered about the economics behind such a small operation that produces such a great product. Contrasting the excellent GGs or AMs against bigger companies' (possibly inferior) product is intuitively interesting and one obviously inquires, "How can this be?"

I did research all the bigger cable companies' product before I bought the GGs. They all seemed to have several obvious weaknesses or trade-offs and the GGs did not, which is why I took the leap of faith with GGs. I was not disappointed, even though my standards and expectations were set very high.

Audio Metallurgy and Steve may have pockets as deep as Bill Gates, but they don't sell a drop in the bucket in cables as compared to Monster, MIT, Transparent, Nordost, etc. They *are* small fries in the cable world. But that has nothing to do with the quality of their cables. And I know from experience how good AM cables are and I suspect Steve's cables are as good or better.

If the AM folks and Steve have pockets as deep as you suggest, then they are probably smart business people, as well. I am sure they clearly understand the economies of scale and invest money in their companies based on those principles.

WOW! I hope the people at Audio Metallurgy and Steve don't mind being called "small fries"
I hear both of them have some deep pockets.
"If one is willing to invest a great deal of money and has some experience as a metallurgist a wire manuafacturer will build wire for you.Percentages of Gold,Silver and Copper can vary along with the purity of the materials.If you are willing to pay it can be provided.

Audiobuzz, you made my point precisely!

The cable business seems to be divided between the "big boys" and the "small fries". The big boys certainly have the money to have any wire they want made to their specifications. However, I seriously doubt that all of the small fries in the cottage industry we are discussing here have their own wire made to their specifications. Just a guess, but I suspect a good one.

The Audio Metallurgy design is a simple design and I suspect that the Gabriels are also. That is not a knock on either of them, but rather a plus. I personally believe that's one reason their cables sound so good. But if you read other websites it seems that alloy cables are getting stellar reviews from numerous manufacturers. "Alloy" wire seems to incorporate the best of each metal and apparently the combination of metals create a synergy above and beyond the strengths of the singular metals.

You don't need to defend Gabriel cables here. No one is attacking Steve's products. I want to try them myself! All I am saying is that it is my opinion that the "alloy" wire is a big part of the "small fry" victories.

I've got a Revelation AC cord and one of the earlier Extreme cords .I talked to Steve recently and asked him why the Revelation cord was pulled from the product list in the ads.I was told that The Revelation AC Cord could still be made but it is now only a special order item.I guess he 'll build one for someone who needs another or if someone has heard it and wants one.Apparently he is coming out with a new AC Cord soon called the Rapture.The Revelation and Extreme cords are a tall order to match,but based on everything I have heard over the last few years I'm sure it will be awesome.
Regarding gold alloys.They are not all the same.
If one is willing to invest a great deal of money and has some experience as a metallurgist a wire manuafacturer will build wire for you.Percentages of Gold,Silver and Copper can vary along with the purity of the materials.If you are willing to pay it can be provided.
You can even have platinum wire made if you want to pay for it.
And let us not forget the Cryo process which also can vary.Once one has the wire the design then plays the major role.
For instance as member fiddler asked in regard to Audio Metallury.It is my understanding that the AM cables use a 20 gauge gold alloy with (2)conductors in their RCA design.
I have heard very good things about the AM cable.
The Gabriel Gold Revelations use different gauges of Gold alloy in their design and also use (3) conductors in their RCA cable.
The rest of the design is also totally different from one manufacturer to the other.Both companies are achieving great sonic results with what they do.To think that there is one Gold alloy out there and only one factory in the world can make it and that every cable that uses a gold alloy has a similar sound is just not a fair or accurate assessment.
Bobf just just made a comment to the effect that "it was actually scary that electronics could do this." That was one of my immediate impressions with the GG Revelations. I never knew that my amp and CD player could sound this good (I knew my speakers should be able to, though). In a way, it has given me a sense of the limititations of my gear, as I am assuming that I am now hearing the upper limit of my CDP and amp's capabilities. They sound great, but I now have food for thought regarding any upgrading that I will do to those two components, as I believe that I have found the true character of those components. I think I have definitely found my "reference component" in the GG cables.
There is a member that sells Gold Alloy Wire here on Audiogon in bulk by the foot.
It was asked earlier in this thread if the wire in the Gabriels was the same wire that Audio Metallurgy uses in their cables. Someone posted it was not the same.

I wonder how the poster knows this to be a fact. Just curious.

I have tried the Audio Metallurgy GA-0's and have found them to be exceptional. I have also noticed that numerous other cable manufacturers are now using the "gold alloy" wire in their cable designs. It seems that the gold alloy wire is not proprietary and apparently it is available if one knows where to buy it.

It could be that the results that this wire is producing says more about the wire than the cable design. The GA-0's have produced the same enormous soundstage, clarity, imaging and tonality in my system that others have described here with the Gabriels.

Having said that, I want to order a pair of the "Revelations" and compare them to the Audio Metallugy GA-0's. If the Gabriels are that much better I will be shocked -- but elated.
Bobf, it's good to hear your opinions! :)

I for one would be very interested to hear about the GG power chords, particularly since I'm looking for new chords..
bobf I know what you mean about not being able to explain what the Golds do.How can speakers magically make the musicians invisible in your room.No one would ever believe you. But we know they are there don't we !!!!!!
I was using the Stealth MLT speaker wire with the 2 Stealth Indra's before I discovered the Gabriel Gold cables a few years back.I first switched out 1 pair of Indra for a pair of the Extremes and heard a marked improvement in tonality,depth,layering and detail.The bass is rock solid.Shortly after I added a second pair of Extremes which improved the sound beyond any of my expectations.Once GG speaker wire became available I added a shotgun bi-wire set of ExtremeS and sold my MLT's.
The speaker wire added more and more realism to the system to the point it was actually scary that electronics could do this.Images were crawling across the top of my ceiling steering from left to right and back and forth with effortless musicallity and solidity.If you own these cables you know what I mean.It is hard to explain because I have never heard anything like this before.
After about a year I saw that there was now a version available called the Revelation and to my astoundment they are just that.I actually did not believe that my system could sound any better and I was somewhat apprehensive about switching out the Extreme for the Revelation,however after a couple of Demeola tracks I immediately new I had to.I have also upgraded my Extreme speaker wire to the Revelation wire and again WOW!.
If the Extreme was the only line available I would say it is the best cable out there.With the Revelation cables I would say this they are without a doubt a true Revelation.
Oh! I didn't even mention the GG AC cords.I guess that's for another time.I am certainly happy that I started this thread and that other members have now gotten the opportunity to hear what these amazing cables can do for music lovers
I purchased the Revelation IC and placed it from the CD player to the preamp, for me this worked the best, when I first connected this cable it was never to bright on the highs but I felt the midrange was a little muddy (if this is the proper term)but it was very clear. after about 50 hour a change started the midrange took shape the Bass was tight, voices are crystal clear, the music through these cables once broken in are detailed, exciting and the imaging is amazing, these are the most musical cables I have had in my system to date.
I two am interested in any opinions or feed back on the Gabriel speaker cables. Anyone using them?

Good thread. I'm interested in hearing some opinions on the Gabriel speaker cables. Anyone using them?
hey guys, bobf has had both the extremes and the revelation (see above...way above). he seems to think the difference is not terribly subtle, but i think la45 is right, more similarities than differences. i will hopefully be able to answer this question myself before too long.....

I am almost sure that there is more of the same than there are differences between the Extremes and the Revelation. If there is anyone who has done the comparison your are welcome to chime in.

I will say in my system before the break in period started (40 hours plus) there is a "soft" but natural character with the upper frequencies on the Revelatons. Somewhat laid back mids, with no artificial gushing of the bass but still very nice sound.

Then pass the 46th hour the cable takes on the character that others have reported on these pages prompting the response, "its a keeper".

I have had the Gabriel Gold Extremes in my rig for two weeks and the music is incredible. Piano notes are like standing beside the piano, hearing the notes being struck, crisp and clean. Bass is tight and mids to die for. I have no idea what the Revelation brings to the equation, but the Extremes are great cables.

**Correction** "Thundernight" #6 is the correct track I tested on the Global House cd.


Thought you should know that the GG are indead the real thing but only after 100 hours. Any concerns you may have during the break in period are eliminated once the cable is broken in. My first Revelation GG changed after the 45th hour. My second Revation changed after the 47th hour.

On track 7 "Psalme" (Global House cd) the thunder bolt strike and subsequent Bass guitar on this track tells the GG story. Its fast dynamic and has a temporal rythm that makes everything soung 'entertaining' to listen to. These cables have an inner beauty to them.

Yep, I am fully expecting the sound to evolve over the next few weeks, as would be expected. I was so astounded by what I heard that I figured I would go ahead and write it out. I'll move the cables around a bit in a couple of weeks to see what happens. But honestly, I will be surprised if my system with this same hardware ever sounds better than it does right now. It's just incredible. The sound stage, imaging, tone, detail, and frequency extension are all perfect. I've never heard anything like it. I'm 110% satisfied and I would unreservedly recommend the GGs. I was considering upgrading my crossover and all kinds of other things, but I need to rethink that now to see if it is even necessary.
geojap???? if you don't have many hours on the GG's then you are NOT making an accurate assessment.
The GG's are really going to shake you up once they break-in.You watch !!!!
Great follow up, geojap! I would say let them burn in and retry them in sequence in your system. I have always called the source to pre site 'the driver's seat' for i/c's. that position definitely has the most influence. that being said, i agree wholeheartedly with your assessment (n.b. i have the extemes and not the revelations) that the tonality, pace and detail of the gg's can't be beat and that their soundstaging is great but not their best attribute. i have heard deeper soundstages, but none with better imaging,,,,so, put 'em in and let 'em go for a few days and let us know what you find!

i have tried steve's product on ss and tubes and between sources (cary 306/200, squeezebox 3, ft-101a etude tuner), preamps (aes djh, ayre k3x,and cary slp98), phono stages (modded aes ph-1...why did i let that one go!, plinius jarrah, musical fidelity xcan3) and amps (plinius only sa201, p8). they have been surprisingly un-fickle as to brand or configuration. this is counter to all my previous experience, but sort of intuitive if you have a predisposition (proclivity?) to believing best is best and DAMNIT things shouldn't always depend on 'synergy' and catching lightning in a bottle! ah, but i start to rant and digress.....sort of.

his cables have permanently replaced all others for me in all position, but i have never had a passive pre. really look forward to you follow up after break-in....i might have to trade up to the revelation myself!
I just received two Revelation IC pairs from Steve. After listening for two hours and experimenting with different positions for these two cables in my system, the results are fairly astounding. I already had one length of Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerators which sounds very good. I am happy with them but I wanted to compare them to the GGs to see which I would stay with long term. My goal was to first see if I find some synergy with the one GG and the two SRs in the system at the same time, and if not, to go with a complete complement of ICs from just one of the manufacturers. I moved the cables around to every position and found nirvana in one particular configuration.

The configuration that works best in my system is with the GGs placed between the two sources (CDP and TT) and the preamp, and the SR placed between the preamp and amp. This configuration sounds unbelievably good. I'm astonished. This is exactly what I was looking for when I started thinking about recabling my system and leaving Nordost Red Dawns. The tone is amazingly beautiful and rich. The sound stage/image is just perfect. Instruments are the correct size (pianos take up much more space in the sound stage, cymbals are more pin-point). The sound coming from my speakers is perfectly nuanced and sounds just a little bit "sweet". It wasn't warmth per se, but sweetness. I have experienced a feeling like this once before when I heard my first Conrad Johnson tube preamp. It struck me immediately as sounding "sweet". I am 100% happy with this set up.

Placing the GG between the preamp and the amp, and placing the SR between the source and pre sounded good, but not great. The tone is good, but the image is just a little incoherent.

This next configuration surprised me the most of all. Placing two GGs between the source and preamp, and also between the preamp and amp sounded the least appealing of any configuration. The image just was not very coherent, so it sounded like the instruments were tripping over one another and invading each other's space. This could be attributed to the fact that these cables have not burned in for any length of time yet. Also, I use a passive preamp, and the system just may not be happy with two GGs on either side of this preamp. I did notice that I had to definitely turn the preamp's volume knob up another 30-35 degrees to get the same volume level in this configuration. It is obvious to me that these are incredible cables and I do not think that the result of my system's sound in this configuration should be passed off on the cables.

I would describe these cables by saying that having a phenomenally rich tone is one of their properties. YoYo Ma's cello has that full cello sound which I had been hoping to get. Pianos sound like the big, beautiful instruments that they are. I can still hear the little details from the audience in live recordings that I like to hear (I could hear the cash register at the bar on my "Miles Davis - Live at the Plugged Nickel" LP, lol). Both the bass and top end are both equally represented with correct emphasis and excellent detail. These cables are a great bargain and I couldn't be happier with them.

I would contrast these GGs to the SR Tesla Accelerators by saying that by themselves, the sound stage produced by the SRs is more 3 dimensional than the GG, but the GG's tone is much richer than that of the SR. Both have very good extension in the upper and lower frequency ranges. Granted, the GGs have not burned in yet. If their properties change significantly in the next few hundred hours of listening, then I will update that event here.

Well, I found what I was looking for when I started my cable search a few months ago. I wanted to round out my system and I've definitely reached my goal. Thanks for all the posts here, they really helped. I want to say that Steve is the nicest business owner I have ever met in this industry. I have met other extremely mannerly and accommodating individuals in this industry (Paul at PS Audio, Bill at Circle Stereo in Austin), but Steve takes the cake for graciousness and service. I hope he does very well with his product in the future; I don't see how he cannot.
I have heard that that the new AC cords are going to be called the Rapture.I can't imagine him making a better sounding IC than the Revelation,but then again I didn't think it could better than the Extreme.
Rumor has it that Steve is coming out with a new line, called 'Rapture'. Anyone else heard of this? Any details?

Now you have me wanting the Revelation and I can't imagine how the sound can get any better. Knowing the difference between the originals and the Gabriel Gold Extremes, I believe you. Steve has found some magic here.
Elsneb * your decription is right on the money.
It is scary how these cables do exactly that.They let every instrument take on it's true natural character and conveys and maintains this throughout the preformance no matter how complexed the recording.No component I've ever owned could even do this as well as these cables.What is really scary is how much more the Revelation can do this.
I have had the Gabriel Gold Extremes for a week now, replacing two pairs of the original Gabriel Golds. I have about 50 hours on them. Right out of the box the Extremes were better than the originals. The originals replaced Audio Magic Sorcerer IC's and the Gold's were in a league of their own. The Extremes were instant keepers, but I wanted to give them some time to burn as Steve told me they take about 40 hours to change and about 100 hours to fully break in. I was gone all day and let the rig play all day. When I came home, I was shocked how clear, clean, open, and detailed the music is. I can pick any instrument and follow every detail of the musician. Highs are extended. Bass is tight and not rolled off. Voice is crystal clean. These cables are exciting and engaging. I don't know how Steve does it. The Gabriel Gold Extremes let the music through period. Thanks Steve!
Please specify which Gabriel Gold IC's you are using.
I have Revelations and even during the break-in process
the bass was excellent and imaging went from exellent to amazing.