??? Full Loom vs Mix ???

I'm curious as to whether most of you folks have gone with all one manufacturer of cables or you have a mix???
 If you have a mix,why did you go that route?


I don’t have a ton of experience in cables so take it with a grain of salt.

But I feel mix is better for the most part. I believe each company, certain cables perform better than others. A company that makes fantastic power cables don’t necessarily make fantastic speaker cables or RCA or USB.

But here’s something significant to think about, your amplifier might synergize really well with power cable from X company, but your speakers might not perform well with the speaker cable from the same company.

So TLDR, I think loom can be quite tricky.

A mix has worked well for me I've gotten close to a full loom a few times and always backed off. My Jorma/Kondo/Auditorium23/Audio Note UK mashup works really well together. However it is all about finding synergy.

In over 25 years, I've never used a full loom of cables in any of my audio systems.  Currently, I'm using 3 different brands of cables in my audio system with excellent results.