From ZERO to Hero?

Good afternoon to the community! I was wondering if anybody has used AntiCables' ZERO-Boxes or other similar autoformers in their systems. I own a pair of Martin Logan 11As driving them with PS Audio BHK 300 monoblocks. Would such a device provide any benefits or detriments?  Many thanks for any input you might have to offer! 
Though I bought a pair of Autoformers, I haven't yet installed them.
I got them because designers like Steve McCormack said they made things sound better regardless of the speakers impedance load.
So, why haven't I installed them? Too many things to do and I like how my system sounds as it is.
Thanks Bob!  When you do get around to hooking them up, please drop me a note letting me know how you like them.  Thanks again! 
To the OP. Are you hearing problems or issues with your system ? These transformers are made as band aids to help with the amplifier / speaker interface, when impedance issues are present. McIntosh is the only ss amp company making autoformers as part of their design. To Bob. I do not know of any McCormack users using these as a step up in sq, as I do not see them as a benefit in the sq department. I wonder why Steve McCormack has never designed his amplifiers using output transformers. Has he even discussed using them in his owners manuals ? I prefer OTL amplifiers in sq, both in tube and ss designs. IMO, IME. YMMV. I am hoping Ralph, Mr. AtmaSphere, will jump in. Enjoy ! MrD.
Thanks mrdecibel!  No, not hearing any problems/issues.  Always looking for the best possible sound and ran across these devices and just wondered if they would be a beneficial addition.  Thanks again!     
I use a pair with my Atma-Sphere M60 amps and Quad ESL 57 speakers and I don't hear any degradation of sound.
I only report what I have heard. Steve mentioned that using the Autoformers helped with Sound Quality even with his SS amps. I might give him or Pat a call to get further details.
I also know that Atma-Sphere recommends them for speakers with low impedance swings.
@OP, if only I had time to play around with my system would I install those autoformers.
To the OP. Are you hearing problems or issues with your system ? These transformers are made as band aids to help with the amplifier / speaker interface, when impedance issues are present. McIntosh is the only ss amp company making autoformers as part of their design.
+1 on this.

Thanks mrdecibel! No, not hearing any problems/issues. Always looking for the best possible sound
Your PSA amps are perfectly capable of driving the ML’s without breaking a sweat, especially because the ML’s have their own bass amp, you will only go backwards putting an Autoforformer between them and your PSA amps, I have tried them on my ML based system and the Autoformer’s sounded limp and soft compared to without.

As Mr D said, the Autoformers can provide a "band-aid" solution for amps that can’t or have trouble with a speakers impedance load, but your better off saving the money as Autoformers aren’t cheap, sell the amp, and get an amp that will be happy driving the speaker.

Cheers George

Thanks George!  As of now, those autoformers are definitely out.  Much appreciated!