Free Tidal Hi-Fi for 6 months. Best Buy deal

Looks like a sweet deal for new customers. If you buy a CD or Vinyl record album from Best Buy you can get Tidal Hi-Fi on a 6 month trial for free. I think it’s an online offer and the offer is only from 11/19/17 to 12/2/17.
A great way to try Tidal and MQA! After checking on Best Buy website there are over 8,500 albums/CDs for under $5, some are $.99.
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Just noticed the offer is not just online. Any retail store purchase will work.
I just came from a BB store (South Indianapolis) and they didn't have a clue about this offer (FWIW).
Dweller. LoL well I guess the guys at B.B. missed that meeting?? If you purchased an eligible album or CD at the store, the offer is supposed to be on the receipt. Even a caveman salesman should be able to do it.
teo_audio. Yeah I see that about USA only now...that really blows. Don’t understand the marketing idea there?
I found out that Tidal does not have a lot of albums from most groups .
They only have a certain select few 
Problem is that it is usually not the good ones .
They suck IMO opinion .
Like Johnny Taylor for example .
They do not have the Original and probably the best 
Johnny Taylor and the Slack band 
Or  the "Dirty Pool" album
these are some of his best and the ones that made him famous .so to speak. ,But NO .. Not there.
They have his newer stuff which is not the best
Just my Opinion.
Same with Bela Fleck.
That is really some of the first few i tried .
After that.. I was done with Tidal