FR66s vs Ikeda IT-407 CR tonearms

Has anyone compared the FR66s to the newer Ikeda IT-407 CR1 tonearm? Any thoughts? In previous years, the Ikeda was available with either copper or silver internal wiring but the recent models don't mention anything about the tonearm wiring. Can anyone comment what type of wiring is used in the latest editions? It would seem intuitive that the later Ikeda IT407 should be a better performer than the FR66s having improved material and bearings over the FR66s but the proof is in the hearing.
Santa came early this year with some stuff i could only dream about. This is Ikeda IT-345 dynamic balance tonearm in rare matte finishing. Another pearl is a brand new Miyajima Kansui cross-ring MC cartridge in Tanzanian hardwood (known as ‘mpingo’). 
Read the manual regarding anti-skating and buy Hi-Fi News TEST LP to adjust it.
I think you have to use it, but don't add too much
I’m just getting a FR66S fortunately, may I have any recommendations of Tonearm cable well match with FR66S?

Silver or copper made is better?

Thanks a lot!
The FR66s has silver internal cabling.
But it's finally up to you, your catridge and your system.
Congratulations @eggberg....I assume you're the happy winner of the Japan Yahoo Auction for the FR-66S 🎉
If I didn't already have two of them, I would have been tempted to bid.
It looks to be a complete set in mint condition (which is rare) with an original box in pristine condition (even rarer).....

I have both of mine, plus my FR-64S (Silver) hooked up with Cardas Golden Reference phono cable (since superseded by Cardas Clear), and am very happy with the results.
There are those who insist on Silver Phono Cables as well as Silver Cartridge Leads to match their Silver-wound Kondo SUT....but I'm not one of those 😃

What table and cartridge/s will you be using?

I think you'll be amazed at the results with this arm....
It is simply the best tonearm I have ever heard (other than the Copperhead) and with every cartridge I have tried.

You're a lucky man.....👍 
Isamu Ikeda recommended copper based phono cable with his silver wired arms - he believed in balancing the sonic attributes of each cable type.

Personally, with my silver wired FR64S, I use different cables depending on cartridge - for moving coils I use custom built MIT phono cables, for moving magnets I use ultra low capacitance custom silver phono cable from Audioplan ( not available commercially ).

In my experience Cardas has a cardboard/sepia colouration to the sound across the board.

If you prefer silver, Kondo is excellent.
Many thanks for All of your recommendation!

Very important information: Isamu Ikeda recommended copper based phono cable with his silver wired arms.

Kondo is too expensive! How about Crystal Silver Gold Alloy Tonearm Cables?
Or Nordost Frey II?  
On the other hand, which cartridges with the best match with FR? SPU?

Kondo is too expensive! How about Crystal Silver Gold Alloy Tonearm Cables?
Or Nordost Frey II?  
What about the Kondo copper phono cable, it is reasonably priced.
Nordost, personally I find to be very hifi - very clean and crisp, but does not sound natural.
Have not heard the Crystal.

If you want a bang for buck solution, get a pair of the original MIT MI330 interconnect ( no boxes ) and have someone reterminate the sending end with an appropriate DIN - this will see off most phono cables up to $1200. Keep the phono cables as short as possible.

There are also the Ikeda phono cables - I have one here - its pretty good, very resolving - but not as good as my custom MIT.

Beware, price is not always an indicator of performance. Check out Michael Fremers review of phono cables in Stereophile a few years ago where he compared several at different price points.

I don’t know the source of Dover’s piece of information, but Ikeda San’s recommendations should always be taken seriously. Indeed, for my silver wired FR64S I get great results with Kimber KS-1216 copper tonearm cable into Ortofon T-3000 silver wired SUT (and from there again copper Phasemation CC-1000 to the phono preamp).

There’s plenty of info here about matching cartridges. The FR64/66 series was designed for heavy low compliance systems like Ortofon SPU and of course their own FR7, but seems pretty universal in use. According to user reports it can handle just about anything, even high compliance MM’s.

Just want to throw my opinion in on Tonearm cable.  I have tried many high end (expensive) tonearm cables with my FR-64S Silver Wired/ Koetsu setup.  I have not beat the Ikeda HBC-MS-5000DR.  This was the stock cable that came with my Ikeda 407CR1 Tonearm.  Liked it so much I changed the DIN and RCA connectors to Furutech CF.  Weird thing is that there isn't anything special about the construction of this cable, good ol' copper.