Focal Sopra 3

Hi all - 

Interested in purchasing a pair of Focal Sopra 3's.

Can anyone give me their opinion of them along with any information?

I will be driving them with a pair of Classe CAM-200's
I will preface this by saying I am a Focal dealer and not a B&W dealer.  

The Sopra s is a very detailed but forward sounding speaker.  It does not require a lot in terms of absolute power but needs an amp that is very comfortable at lower impedances for it to truly excel.  Tonally, Classe should be very good with the Sopras.  Since it is an older amp and I can't quickly find specs, I would validate that it is stable at 2 ohms before getting Sopras.  

The 802 D3s are great speakers.  They will match well with your Classe amps and those amps should be comfortable driving them.  I think the Sopra delivers a better image but I am biased in this space.

Is their a reason you are only looking at these two?  Lots of other awesome speakers out there in this price range.  Have you looked at either the Vivid Kaya 45s or the Wilson Benesch Vectors?  

Once broken in, they are not bright per se, unless your equipment, cables and environment dictate that characteristic.
I find both B&W and Focal to be bright.  I don’t like bright but prefer the non-BE tweeters in the less expensive Focal speakers. Never could warm up to any B&W speaker.    I listen to 90% Rock so YMMV.  
Both great speakers!  I have the 802D3’s, but I’ve owned and demo’d quite a few Focal speakers, including the Sopra 3’s.  Bottom line is that the Focal sound is a tad more reserved and laid back with an overall slightly darker gestalt.  The B&W 800 series sound is dynamic, detailed and more open with a bit more punch.  If you like to hear a live performance played back with full extension and presence with clarity and neutral tonality, then get the B&W’s.  If your more of a laid back listener who would rather not hear the truth on recordings but have the rough edges smoothed over slightly, then go Focal.  Overall I find the Focal sound to be ever so slightly greyish sounding...hard to describe but on live recordings they just don’t imbue the energy and liveliness of real musicians going at it!
Have you heard them?  If not, its a lot of money to spend without listening.  Go listen and come back with your thoughts.