Focal Aria 936 / Elac Adante AF-61 / Von Schweikert VR-33 , impressions, thoughts?

Thinking of upgrading my speakers and in the past have just gone with what I thought was a great deal, sometimes that worked, more often it did not!

Have a shortlist right now of those 3 speakers.

Focal Aria 936
Elac Adante AF-61
Von Schweikert VR-33

Presently using Triangle Altea ESW speakers.

What am I lacking right now? Possibly some lower bass, the Triangles are superb in the mids and upper registers but you can definitely tell they are  a little limp below 40hz. And at the end of the day even though I consider them to be fantastic speakers, they were after all only 2k brand new so there are likely better options out there to consider.

So thoughts and impressions on those 3 speakers or any serious contenders in the same sort of price bracket, I am looking at used examples only so think 3k max.

Will be driving them with an Ayre AX-7E integrated which I will NOT be changing anytime soon (famous last words I know!)

Thank you
I own 948's luv them. Every day I listen I continue to be pleased with the sound.
The triangle Volante 260 had a retail of about 6500 so 2500 for a very good condition pair would be fair imho.

But I am still leaning towards the 936 atm.

My previous Focal Chorus 826v were really nice in my room and for the price was hard to beat. Well I decided to upgrade and I actually had a pair of aria 936 lined up from a dealer at 2600 shipped and I stupidly decided to buy a pair of Wilson Witt instead.

Not a mistake I will ever repeat.
@stereo5I agree, sometimes things do not add up.  It just reinforces the point that your room is the single biggest factor sometimes.
I had a pair of 7" Scanspeak revelators with an aircirc tweeter and high end crossover--the VR-33's gave overall a better performance, including the bass.  So go figure.  I also owned  Magnepan 1.7's and enjoyed them very much.  But they would never perform close to the front wall like the 33's do.

@uberwaltz  I did own a pair of Triangles years ago. I liked them. If memory serves me, I would say from the midrange up the two are not too dissimilar. I think the 33's may be a bit more organic with a sweeter high end however.
There was a dealer listing the Volante for the lsat year and a half . Have gone unsold to my knowledge .Thinking he is asking too much . Like around $2800 if I recall . I bet he still has them for sale . Somewhere in the midwest .I  have been watching the listings the whole time . Unfortunately he never lowered the price as of yet . 
Another speaker I should consider as I like the Triangle house sound is one of their bigger brothers like the Volante.
Another option for sure.
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Fortunately the aria range does not have the BE tweeters, I think that would end up being too clinical especially with all my Nordost cabling.

The vr33 having a 10" woofer should knock bass out of the ballpark on paper at least.

Not sure if anybody in my area has them but worth a shot.

Looks like no love or knowledge for the Elac so far though.

I don't get it either as I have never had trouble getting bass in my room.  Even the Conrad-Johnson 200wpc power amp I purchased for them didn't make them sound better.  I am clueless why.  The guy I bought them from told me he didn't care for them either, he went back to his Maggies. The speakers I had before them were the Odyssey Kismet Reference.  They had a 7 inch Scanspeak woofer and Scanspeak silk dome tweeter and the bass was astounding.  When my brother heard them, he was looking everywhere for a subwoofer but there was none.  The VSA are the only speakers I had problems with in that room.  If you can listen before you buy, that would be great.  On the VSA forum on Audio Circle, people are always asking if someone in their area has a certain VSA speaker they could listen to and most of the guys are more than willing.  That may be your best bet.

Seeing as you like the Triangle sound, the Focal may be your cup of tea.  I myself can't get past the BE tweeters as they are quite bright to my ears but they may be just the ticket for you.  If I was ever to buy another pair of speakers, I would go with Legacy Audio.  I have loved every one of their speakers that I have heard.  I spent a lot of time at RMAF listening to them. 
Thanks Corelli, a little at odds with Stereo5 impression but reinforces my belief that EVERY situation is different.

LoomisJohnson, I did try a sub but even 3 different subs gave me same annoying ground loop hum on phono that I could not eliminate.
I have owned the VSA VR-33 speakers for a number of years now.  I have not heard your other two considerations.
I recall when I first received these speakers, I had high hopes for them.  They were replacing a pair of Mirage M-5si's.  Now the Mirages had a decidedly darker voicing that produced an incredible low end response from two rather generic 6.5" woofers.  That and a Rotel 990 power amp produced a room lock low end that I'll never forget.
So when the VR-33's were first fired up you might imagine I wondered where the low end had gone.  Called Albert and was thinking these were not for me.  He encouraged me to give it some time and allow the speaker time to break in.  So I did.  After 300 hours, I stated to realize the old Mirages were indeed rather dark and colored in comparison.  The 33's produced a more neutral and detailed sound.  The bass in fact did show up after break in. 

So years later I listen to them in my second system with great regularity.  One big advantage of this speaker is that it is voiced to do well near the front wall.  I have the rear of the cabinet 14" off the front wall.  They are driven by a Primaluna Dialogue HP which I think is a great match.  The room is open and large.  I would describe the sound as neutrally balanced.  The bass is tight and deep, certainly no boom.  With orchestral pieces, bass drums whacks have very nice, clean impact.  Dynamics with this pairing are very good and lend excitement to the music. The midrange is very clean and seamlessly hand off the the silk tweeter which in nicely extended.  I do not find any edge or bite to this speaker.  As I write this I am listening to a great Naxos CD  Sarastate, Music for Violin and Orchestra.  Spectacular performance by the soloist! (Get this CD!)  The violin if full bodied with all it's nuances wonderfully reproduced by the 33's.  Sweet, soaring, spectacular sound with no desire to turn the music down.  Imaging is very good considering placement.  In my dedicated audio room, my speakers are well out into the room to maximize the sound stage--something I value highly.  I find without this type arrangement I am very unsatisfied.  But with the 33's, they do a remarkable job up against the front wall.  Center image has nice height, and I do achieve extension of the sound stage lateral to the speakers.  Depth may be limited, but this I suspect is more a function of placement than the speaker.
The cabinet is very solid indeed.  Drivers are of high quality, as is the simple first order crossover which integrates the drivers remarkably well.  It's simplicity and high quality, I think, contributes to the nice dynamics and jump factor I note with some music which lends to the illusion of live music.
So yes, I have toyed with what other speakers might do in this room (open baffles in particular) I doubt I will do better when placement factors are considered.  So consider me long term impressed with this speaker.
TBH, out of the 3 I had listed I favoured the Focal as have had 3 pairs of lesser Focals previously and there really was nothing to dislike about any of them at their given price points.
Also using Triangle speakers right now so I obviously like the sound of French speakers.... go figure!
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Thanks, I read a Stereophile review by Robert Deutsch.  I didn't find a review by HR.  But it sounds like plenty of bass and not boomy. 
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Thx Stereo5.
I guess it really does prove how much things can change given a different system and a different room.
Almost makes you think reading any of the professional reviews are a complete waste of time.
I have personal experience with the VR-33 speakers.   I saw all the ads how a $3750 pair of speakers are as good as  speakers costing $15,000 because they are sold direct.  I read a couple of professional reviews, one by Greg Weaver and another from an online publication.  So, I bought into the hype.  I found a used pair for just under 3K here and bought them.

I was so excited and really wanted to LOVE them.  I took the day off from work on the day of their arrival.  Spent a couple of hours setting them up per Alberts instructions, held my breath and......disappointment.  What little bass there was , was quite boomy.  I ran them in for an entire month  using the Isotek Burn In CD.  They sounded no different after a month.  I moved them a little this way and that way, replaced my power amp to a 250wpc amp, no change.  I took the room drapes down, then replaced them.  It was mostly a bass problem   and a little bit of squawkiness in the upper midrange.

A year went by and my wife mentioned "you never play your system in the living room any more."  I thought about it and she was right, I had been listening to my secondary system because I couldn't bring myself to listen to the living room system.  In January 2015, I bought a pair of GE Triton Ones and never looked back.  I sold the VR33 speakers for a huge loss.  I have now moved the GE Triton Ones to my secondary system and purchased GE Triton Refs for the main system.

Now, the kicker is the guy I sold the VR33 to said the bass was great in his room and he loves them, go figure.  So, the moral here is it may or may not work in your situation.  Caveat emptor.
Kosst, I'm confused.  You laud the 936 for reaching down into the 30s with authority, yet most reviews I've read of other Focal speakers even up to the Sopra No 2 seem to indicate a bottom end without a lot of authority.  So, now I'm wondering what's what about this.  I have been very interested in Focal, but I keep reading this sort of thing about them. 
Now you are talking a language I can understand!
Actually after your first post I did a quick search of 936 post in forum and came across one from yourself that alluded to you owning them.
Really good to know and thank you!

My only reservation was a couple of mentions of needing a fair dose of amp to adequately drive the bass.
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Those all look like top flight choices to me.  I'm researching also the Canton Vento 890.2, which can be had brand new for less than $3k. 
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