The cure may require hours of trail and error and a number of different solutions. The radio signals may be entering your system at a number of different points, but most likely the entry points are either the interconnects, speaker cables, or power cords. Radio Shack (and others) sell RFI stoppers that slip over cables and attenuate radio signals. Buy a bunch of them (they're cheap) and slap them on every cable on every component. Position them as close to the component as possible. Also consider Cardas RCA caps (less than $35/dozen) for all unused phono style inputs/outputs.
FM radio tower near house
I live about 700 feet from a radio tower which transmits a strong oldies FM station. I can always hear the station faintly in my speakers. Nothing I have tried seems to get rid of this problem. I am using a Magnum Dynalab FT101A tuner with Sunfire Theater Grand II processor, 8TC kimber speaker cables. I would appreciate any help anyone could offer as I am fairly new to audio equipment and don't know what to try next. Thanks
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