First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship

I have received the 006 almost a week ago and have been breaking it in. The price at Shenzhenaudio is $3,900.00 USD, $600 more than the 005. The ad copy states:

"DA006 is a new generation of flagship DAC developed by Musetec over three years and launched in 2024. During this period, it has undergone more than ten revisions and adjustments.

Compared to the previous DA005, the listening experience of DA006 has been improved in all aspects. DA006 has clearer and richer details, a stronger sense of texture, a more stable sound base, better detail control, a wider soundstage, fuller and more powerful, smoother and more natural. . ."

Some brief listening during break in has been very very positive. I will report back when it has run at least 300 hours.


Showing 3 responses by jc4659

@dbb Thank you for a very informative review of the DA-006.  I have been using the DA-005 for a few years now and some recent changes to my system brought out some of the same qualities you attributed to the DA-006.  Most notably, a new preamp, the Raven from Spatial Audio Labs, yielded improvements in soundstage width and depth, better image focus, naturalness of tone, and transparency.  Further improvements in clarity and especially dynamics occurred when I replaced my interconnects with Paul Speltz best XLRs, the level 5.3 anti-cables.  These changes allowed me to hear more of what the DA-005 (and Raven preamp) was capable of and to think the DA-006 improves on these attributes is quite an accomplishment.

FWIW, I am trying the Singer UIP-1 PRO Usb isolator high speed processor in between my MacBook pro and DA-005.  On first listen using the stock power supply I thought it sounded bright and edgy. I switched to the Uptone audio LPS 1.2 power supply and it sounded subdued and warm.  I switched back to the stock power supply but have it plugged into an isolation transformer and now it sounds quite good.  More detail and transparency without the edge. I did not expect an improvement since the usb implementation within the DA-005 is supposed to already be optimized.  Again, these are initial observations.  Just wanted to report what I am hearing and in no way wish to derail this thread but I figure there are many DA-005 users here.