Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ?

It sounds good and yet..

Leaving wall current alone - it’s a separate big problem. Leaving the room alone too.

Do you begin by seeking out best LP pressings ? Or tube rolling ? Or cables and power cords comparisons ? Isolation devices perhaps ? Something else ?

How do you go about it ?

I tend to start from the beginning - LP pressings.


Showing 1 response by mswale

Always get the best recording you can find. If you get a bad recording, chances are you will not listen to it. So it's a waste. Sadly the more revealing the system, the worst bad recording sound.

Yes, get the best recording you can find for the price you want to pay. 

If you can't move the speakers, or change the room, that is 2 huge things that are keeping you from getting the "best" from your system. If this is because of your other half, try plants, rugs, or canvas wall hangings. In my room, all the pictures are deep canvas, this allowed me to put sound insulation in the backs of them. Not as good as the real thing, but way better over nothing. 

If you are stuck there, the only real thing left is equipment, try some cables, power cords, maybe a better cartridge? Then isolation devices, spike your speakers? 

You didn't say if you have a power conditioner, that is good easy thing to get, as well as audiophile power outlets. There are good ones that will not break the bank, and do make a difference. 

Personally I do not like tuning the system with power cords and interconnects. It's a total crap shoot, with a high price of entry. On my system, PC made a difference, but not sure it was worth the cost.