Classe 201 vs. Proceed HPA2 for HT use

I am building my HT, and currently use a CAV-180 to power a 5.1. As I plan to prepare for 7.1 I need to purchase a pre-pro (most likely the Classe SSP-30mkII b/c the Proceed is too expensive), and a second two channel amp which will power my front l/r, which are ATC SCM12 (power hungry). Should I purchase the Proceed HPA2 (with the thought that ultimately my HT will be all Proceed gear) or should I go with a CA-201, which would probably match better with my equipment at this point. What are your thoughts on the sound qualities of the Proceed vs. the Classe.
Wow, classe vs proceed. The differences are huge. Classe is warm and smooth. Proceed is way to dry and squeeky for me. Keep the classe, buy a second classe for the rears and go check out the Anthem pre/pre/processor ($3299 list-but we all know what list prices can do).
If you have power hungry speakers the HPA2s are great. They have tremendous power.