Ferrofluid questions.

I am considering changing out the ferrofluid in the tweeters on my Thiel CS 3.6 speakers. It appears that I should be able to do the work myself. Someone gave a link in another thread to little tubes of the ferrofluid that you can buy for less than $10 from Parts Express.

I have been attributing unclear vocals to my Bryston 4Bsst2 amp being not clear enough. I may still upgrade the Bryston amp to the "cubed" version of the 4B but I’m starting to wonder is it more an issue of my older Thiel speakers’ tweeters having overly resinous ferrofluid.

Could too old of ferrofluid in a tweeter contribute to coarseness in the treble range? What about a slight lack of vocal elocution? I have resorted to using the Soundhound app on my iPhone when listening to vocal music in order to bring up the lyrics. Or, I read the lyrics on the CD cover if they are provided.

If the new ferrofluid improved vocal clarity I would be a very happy guy.

I hope I don’t damage the tweeters in the process.

Also, if you can change the ferrofluid on the tweeter, does the midrange cone work in the same manner?

I look forward to optimizing my speakers further. Thanks for any help you can give.


Showing 3 responses by erik_squires

VC = Voice coil

The alcohol part of this is wahat I referred to. :)  Definitely want to leave it squeaky clean if you are going to to the work.  No sense in filling it with fluid, finding out you still have issues, and then cleaning it the second time. :)

Readers in DIYAudio however are going to have a lot more first hand experience, I recommend looking at old threads there, and asking questions.


To be clear, you need to be prepared to clean the VC as well as replace the fluid. :)
I'm not an expertin Thiel, but yes, old ferrofluid tends to gunk up the coil.

AFAIK, this was really only a thing in tweeters, so no, you won't have the same issues in the mid.

Definitely worth doing first given the age of your speakers.