Favorite Music When Having Sex

I think the title says it all.

What is your favorite music performance, CD or LP, that helps to create that certain ambience when you are experiencing that "special quality time" (hopefully with someone else).

I can't even begin to imagine some of the responses we'll be seeing here. Let's at least ATTEMPT to maintain some semblance of decorum, please folks? Let's all try to be the mature adults that we all think we are.

Allow me to start.

Believe it or not, I still have a thing for Pink Floyds "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" and "Welcome To The Machine". I remember a certain encounter back in my college days when listening to that album. It had just been released.

The album was new too.

That and Grover Washington "Winelight".
Buscis, you're right on both counts -- Bo Derik and Bolero. The beat on Bolero starts very slowly and then continues to build to a satisfying crescendo. Of course, the symphony is not long enough so having a repeat button helps ;-)
Funny stuff...funny stuff!

How about the "awheemawhap, awheemawhap, awheemawhap, aawheemawhap,...in the jungle, the mighty jungle...(Ace Ventura). I always like that one. Otherwise, it's ..."I'M A COWWWBOY BAAAABY!"(KID ROCK).
Ozfly, Was it not Bolero that was playing in the lovemaking scene in the movie "10"? Wasn't that Bo Derek?
Croaking of frogs (doing it) in the pond behind my house.

How about your favorite sex while listening to music?
Buscis2, Actually I'm married and happy - almost an oxymoron - but I just like to play to the stereotype like poor Raymond (Everybody Likes Raymond) - oh hell, I forgot, single guys don't watch TV so you might not identify with him! :-)
Just about anything classical. Of course, music alone is insufficient to create the mood (at least, as Newbee suggests, among married couples). Believe it or not, the most recent disc that was spinning during our intimate encounter was "Bolero". Now there's a cliche for you ;-)
Buscis2, Are you single? Married men don't have sex, everybody knows that! I suppose I could listen to some coyboy sing "I'm back in the saddle again". :-)