Extra power needed for my Piega C10 Ltds

Howdy folks-

It's been a long time since I've been on Audiogon as the stereo has been in storage until now. I've recently moved into a little house, with a small living room, too small but it will have to do. The system:
McIntosh Mc 402 amp
McIntosh C2200 pre
Piega C10 Ltds
Audience and Power snakes

When I was listening years back it was perfect in every way, EXCEPT...
If I wanted to rock, I'd clip the 402 and have to back off. Couldn't believe 400 watts couldn't run that speaker, should have known power pigs. I'm thinking the best, least expensive route to get more juice is to buy another 402 and bridge them. That's 800 a piece and that will do it. 

What do you think of that? Comments and suggestions welcome please chime in.
