External blu-ray disc player/writer - can I burn a blu-ray disc?

Having trouble playing a blu-ray disc in my current Panasonic player which is played in the past and now it won't.  I thought maybe I could buy an external blu-ray player and connected to my desktop to see if it might play there.

Can I copy a Blu-ray disc and keep it as a back up.  I would hate to lose other Blu-ray discs.

There is a diversity of external Blu-ray players out there and I read that the external drives might do a better job than the console related Blu-ray players which can only be used to play obviously.


I have 3 blue ray players stacked up here waiting for me to put them on facebook marketplace as I keep upgrading.  if you aren't looking for high end, you can get one for $30.

Are you saying your current player is damaging your disks?


Is it just one disc that won’t play, or all of them?  
An external Optical drive that plays Blu Rays should work to play the discs.  Copying them to a server , or even another disc, is another kettle of fish.  It might be possible but probably not worth the effort of the workarounds that are necessary.


I can’t speak for the stability of the reader in the machine vs an external reader.  It probably depends on the individual optical readers and BRP.  There are certainly a lot of cheaply built computer peripherals out there.  I also one had a $79 Sony BRP die on me after 2 years.  My Oppo 105 and 203 are going strong after years of use


It’s one disc that has played before many times and couldn’t play again. My fear is that others might do the same thing at some point so maybe I should at least back them up.

But the one that doesn’t play might I have better luck with a different player? I see external drives that are $60 and others that are closer to $200.

I have cleaned the disk with distilled water and non-abrasive cloth and also clean the blu-ray player with a special cleaning desk.


Have you played other Blu Rays since your last post?  What is going on?  
If it’s one bad disc that won’t play I would stay calm.  I had a much loved Blu Ray do the same thing about 5 years ago but it was an outlier.


I haven’t bought an external blu-ray disc drive for my Windows computer to try.

Since I’ve got a few other discs similar to this one I’m exploring backing them up via burning onto another disk. Have you had any experience doing this?

No doubt the last five years have been very difficult for you, hopefully my feelings I have for the loss will lessen.
