Experience with Linn Select DSM?

Does anyone have direct experience with the Linn Select DSM system w/ Katalyst?  Please see: https://www.linn.co.uk/sources/network-music-players/selekt#selekt-dsm-with-katalyst

I have decent electronics already (NAD M12 Pre/DAC and M22 Amp) being sourced by a Node 2 server going into the DAC via SPDIF.  I’ve been auditioning other servers to upgrade the Node 2 and in the search process, came across this unit from Linn.  It is elegant and functionally very nice.  The appeal is that I could sell my other gear and have one box that does what I need.  But, I’d only be interested in doing this if it was better overall than what I have.  Unfortunately, I have no local dealers.  I’ve heard it in a nice shop in AZ, but that means nothing as it’s not a comparison to what I have.  Of course, the salesman thought it would be a step up from what I have.  Not surprisingly, I’m skeptical of that claim.  But, it is a cool piece.

So, anybody here with direct experience and insights to share?
I've had them for 17 years. I'm a former BBC Sound engineer and we used Harbeth M20's 30's and 40's for monitoring and mixing, so I know they can produce the bass when required. These used to be partnered with a full Naim system and they sang beaitifully. But on moving house, a one box solution was what I wanted. The speakers are on heavy filled Skylan stands and they are away from the wall. I have not set up space optimisation yet but was hoping the system would have vaguely sounded in the ball park before tweaking began. I will give the space optimisation a go and see if that improves things. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Do you have the Selekt yourself? 
Those are smaller range monitors. Known for accuracy and not for big rock and roll bass. 
Are they mounted on heavy stands? They might sound better quite some distance fron the wall. 
I would take care in finding the best sounding speaker position first. Start with them right against the wall and then move out to ten feet. Then one foot then nine, then two, then eight, etc. Keep repeating while playing  a minute of the same well recorded music. Once you find the best sounding position note that distance. Is that distance inconvenient? Odds are it will be. Move the speakers to a location you can live with but still has decent sound away from the wall. Note that distance. That is your preferred distance. 
You then measure all the dimensions of your room and utilize Lin’s wonderful Space Optimization software. This will take time. The more accurate you are the better. The system will use the optimal , and preferred distance and all your room info to create a filter for you. You should get better sound and you should be able to adjust the bass as well...
Does anybody find that the integrated amp on the Linn Selekt DSM is a tad bass light? I bought one and paired it with Harbeth Monitor 30's. The detail, soundstage and midrange is superb but it has little to no bottom end. Does anybody find that? 
My post above mistakenly stated that the single analogue input was phono. There is actually a phono input and an additional aux analogue input for things like a tuner. That analogue input will be converted to digital.

Just an FYI. I am posting this because my dealer did not know how to do this and I was stumped for over a year until someone on the Linn forum gave me a solution yesterday.

My situation is I have multiple analogue sources that require connection to a preamp. The Linn Selekt DSM only has 1 RCA analogue input. My post above should have looked at the solution to the problem in the opposite manner. That is add another preamp and use the output of that preamp into the single input of the Selekt DSM preamp.

The following passive preamp,


, can take 3 RCA analogue source inputs and it has 2 RCA outputs.

Output 1 is the primary output and its level is set by the volume control. Output 2 can be configured (by switches on the base) as either an additional primary output, or as a ’tape loop’, to bypass the volume control and loop out to another device


Now my preferred DSP preamp choice, the Linn Selekt DSM, can have all my analogue sources hooked up to it. My 3 choices for DSP capable preamps were the following:

- Anthem STR preamp (incredible features)
- Linn Selekt DSM (great DAC + non-mic based DSP)
- Lyngdorf 3400 (I do not like the amplification on this one)

I think the Linn and Lyngdorf likely have a better sounding DAC than the Anthem. I have not heard the Anthem but have heard the other 2. I am going on reviews of the Anthem DAC. The Selekt DSM also can be ordered without amplification, whereas, the Lyngdorf is must be ordered with the amplification module.

I also like the fact that the Linn Selekt DSM does NOT stream via RJ45 Ethernet. You connect via USB. Which I plan to do with the Sonare Signiture Rendu SE Optical. I think the lack of ROOD READY on the Selekt is a moot point since a Rendu will be used.
I am circling back to the Linn Selekt DSM because of something I saw on the Selekt web site. It states that the Selekt DSM's XLR analogue outputs can be connected to a separate preamp. Now this is very interesting to me  because I have a few analogue sources that require a preamp. The Linn Selekt DSM will not get additional analogue inputs in the future. It will be limited to the single analogue phono input.

So my question is, has anyone used the Selekt as a DAC only into another preamp. How did the sound compare to using the Selekt as a preamp connected to an external amp.

My plan is to get a seperate amp, a preamp for analogue sources, and a DAC. The Selekt could serve the role of the DAC + SPACE OPTIMIZATION.

In a few weeks I expect to attend a speaker unveiling at a dealer that carries the Selekt and I will have this conversation with them but I am interested to hear from non-dealers. 
Caphill, thanks for the comprehensive and thoughtful  reply.  I think you might be mixing me up with another poster as I don’t have and never have had PMC speakers.  

Interestingly, I wasn’t originally looking for a one box unit, but came across the Linn Selekt and found it appealing from a functional standpoint.  I will say that while I hold Linn and NAIM in very high regard - particularly for their upper end units, I stand by my previous comment that you “pay up” for the brand in terms of performance.  Of course, it’s reasonable to assume that the streamer built into the Linn unit is quite a bit superior to that of the Node 2.  But, I’m also guessing it’s performance falls Short of the Auralic G2 I acquired (though I can’t say for sure as I’ve no way to compare directly).  I would also say that I’m skeptical the amplifier in the Linn Selekt is superior to the NAD M22 I’m using - a very well regarded amp.  I find it powerful, smooth, and engaging and it is a very large and clear step up from the Paraound Halo amp I have in another system. I’ve no doubt the Klimax units are outstanding and a step up from what I have. As they should be at a multiple of the price point, too. 

Do you still have your PMC speakers? 
PMC speakers have great synergy with Naim electronics. In the beginning you're looking for a single box solution integrated. I should have had pointed out and recommended you the Naim Uniti Nova ($7500). The Naim Uniti Nova is a all-in-one box or a single box solution. It is a streamer/DAC/integrated amp all in a single chassis. A highly musical sounding unit and will sound really good on the PMC speakers. Musically engaging and involving, smooth, refined and the music sounded very natural & organic and was so effortless and has very good drive, rtyhm, pace, speed & timing without straining or sounding forced. The tonality is on the warm side of neutral (but intoxicated warmth) and has punchy well defined bass. 

I happen to own the Naim Uniti Nova paired with PMC standmount (bookshelf) speakers for my bedroom setup. 
The Nova has built-in Tidal and is Roon ready. I also use the Naim Uniti Core music server connected to the Nova. 

The streamer & DAC in the Naim Uniti Nova is really good. Naim is really good at and is very well known for making high end streamer/DAC, and their standalone top of the line ND 555 streamer/DAC plus an external Naim 555 PS DR power supply unit for the streamer/DAC retail for $32k. The standalone flagship Naim ND 555 streamerry/DAC and other Naim 500 series components don't have onboard power supplies and each component needs to be paired with Naim 555 PS DR external power supply unit for each single component. 

Naim is somewhat or at least used to be Linn's direct competitor but Naim takes things a little bit differently. Both Linn and Naim believe in source first and your front end source components (digital or analog) are backbones of our setup/system. 

Back to the Naim Uniti Nova. While the amp section of the Nova is only rated at 80 wpc @ 8 ohms it's capable to drive just about most speakers and is stable down to low impedance loads. The quality of current delivery that matters, not just mere power output ratings (wattage). All Naim amplifiers are very conservatively rated. 

Regarding Linn, I also like Linn and in my main reference stereo setup/system I used to own all Linn Klimax DSM with Katalyst DAC architecture paired with Klimax Chakra Solo monoblock amps driving Linn Klimax floorstanders. All Linn Klimax setup. Later on I moved up to Linn Klimax Exakt system and got rid of the monoblock amps and upgraded to the Klimax DSM Exakt with Klimax active Exakt floorstanders. But I don't have the Linn anymore and lately have gone through couple different upgrades since the Linn Klimax Exakt DSM system. 

As people mentioned earlier about Linn Selekt DSM integrated. I did get to hear the Selekt DSM at my local dealer and it was fine musical sounding unit. 
Linn Selekt streamer/DAC is superior to that of the NAD M12 pre/DAC. Although the NAD M22 power amp is rated and is more powerful than the amp section in the Linn Selekt DSM integrated but the quality of the amplifier itself is superior with the Linn Selekt eventhough the Selekt is somewhat Linn's lower end series. There are two models above the Selekt, which are the Akurate and the Klimax. 
In general, NAD isn't in the same league as Linn or Naim. Far from it. 

Anyways, congrats with your new Auralic & Aurender purchases. They should be quite a step up from what you had previously. 
I ended up going in a different direction - and am hoping i didn’t make the wrong decision.  Not because it doesn’t sound good.

I bought the Auralic Aries G2 streamer - very nice upgrade over the Node 2 (and my Aurender N100H in another system).  But, now I’m in the awful loop of evaluating cables (have already gone up $$$), wondering about my DAC, power conditioning etc.  I was already evaluating replacement speakers.  

So, I probably could have saved myself a lot of trouble - and perhaps money by just buying the Selekt DSM.

Doesn’t make sense to turn back now....
I have a Selekt DSM.  I've upgraded the DAC in it and added a pre-module so have it paired with an Audio Research VT80SE power amp. and my speakers are Wilson Sophia 3's and I'm using Transparent Audio cables to connect it all.

I couldn't be happier with the DSM.  It looks great and is easy to use.  Most importantly it sounds fantastic.  As another poster stated it is non-fatiguing to listen to.  I'd say that it's very musical.   The Wilson's are a large pair of speakers and to get the best sound and imaging they were sticking out in the room a bit more than I liked.  Had my dealer come over and set up the space op.  It's really a trip - I've the speakers back closer to the wall and with the space optimization on you wouldn't know that they were not in their optimal spot in the room.

I did use the power amp in the DSM for some time and while it is a great little amp I am far happier with the addition of the AR VT80SE.  It took a great sounding system and made it even more musical.  The depth and width of the soundstage is even larger now.  

Overall I couldn't be happier with the DSM.  It's very musical and presents a great soundstage.  Love the upgrade options as it allows you to grown the system at your own pace, it is easy to use and the space op is a gem.  I'd debated switching over to dCS but the lack of space op put that on the back burner.  

It’s an intriguing unit - I think particularly well designed.  As noted earlier, I’m skeptical it’s an upgrade for me all around - I doubt it’s a better amp or preamp.  But, I can easily believe it’s a better streamer than I have, and perhaps a better DAC.  And, the design is beautiful so I’m sure it’s enjoyable to work with. Good to hear it’s also non-fatiguing to listen to.  I’m still waiting to hear from my dealer (200 miles away) if I can do a home demo.  That’s really how I want to try to experience the unit.  Home demos are not something they normally do, but it seems to me it’s the only fair way to evaluate the piece.  With respect to the app, I think I’d do Roon as an overlay.

If I get it, my wife will know what I’ve paid as she pays all the bills...

@mgrif104 I took the plunge into the Selekt DSM Katalyst around the first of the year, so I have about 5 months on it. Do note that this is my first music streamer, and purchased it while auditioning new speakers, last December. It was not something that I thought I needed until I heard it.
So far, I love the sound and function of this piece of equipment. No listening fatigue, and I sit for hours each evening exploring new (and old) music.
I purchased Tidal and Qobuz subscriptions, and use these through the Linn Kazoo app. It's all ridiculously easy. I do wish the Kazoo app had a more Tidal-like interface.  
Well, I don't know if this helps. $7000 is not trivial. I am relieved that my wife has never asked me how much I paid. That would create a moral dilemma that I am not sure I am mature enough to navigate.
@mgrif104 I posted a question to you on another thread and I see you have answered it already here. I have now heard the Linn Selekt DSM and the NAD M12. I was really impressed by the NAD M12 so much so that the Linn has lowered in my interest. The store I demoed the M12 was also a Linn dealer but did not have the Selekt yet. The lack of analog inputs on the Linn Selekt is a stumbling block.

I was informed that I would not really need DSP my room and the speakers I was interested in so the M12 is now an option.
Azbird: I’m envious.  I’m sure the Klimax DSM is spectacular! But, it’s outside of my budget.  Would love to hear one side by side the lessor units.  Someday.

I’m thinking your right that I should skip the amplifier section and just go with the streamer/DAC/preamp functions if I do this.  I have a pretty good (and far more powerful) amp that I wouldn’t get any more for than the additional cost of the amp section anyway.  I appreciate the advice.

yyzsantabarbara: thanks for the link to the review.  That was helpful.  It may not be the best measuring unit, but it does seem as if people generally agree the sound is quite good.  That was for the unit above what I’m looking at, but relevant nonetheless.  One constant was that most agreed you pay up for being a Linn owner.  But, it seems the Select DSM might actually be a decent value for me.  

I’m still working out doing this or just upgrading my streamer, but greatly appreciate the input/feedback.


I went big and got the Klimax DSM.  I don't know if you have read much about Linn but they believe in Source First approach, that the source is the building block of a sound system. 

So you are debating going for the Select DSM vs DSM + AMP OR go up a level with the Akurate system hub + amp?

Personally I prefer to keep DAC & streamer functions separated from pre-amp & amp, it give you more flexibility down the road to tweek.
I am considering this piece if I get a  floor stander and require room correction. The store I went to has 3 units that do similar room correction. 

Anthem STR
Lynddorf 3400
Linn Selekt DSM

I am supposed to have a shootout with these 3 soon but may cancel it because I may ditch room correction and buy a smaller speaker allowing me to stay analogue (not sure yet). 

I did listen to the Linn Selekt DSM already and it sounded rather great. I do not think I would get the amp option for the Linn just based on prejudiced. I listened to the Lynddorf the same day and I did not like the internal amp. An external amp sounded much better. The Linn amp is also not that powerful.

It is unfortunate that the Linn does not have any analog inputs (other that the TT one). They also do not plan to add any other analog inputs, unlike the other 2 units I mentioned. The Anthem seems to have the best configuration options for me.

For what it's worth the dealer who I was working with preferred the Linn unit over the other 2. They are all about the same price.

Linn's argument for room correction is that the microphone based approach is not accurate and the measurement based approach is superior.


Thanks for the feedback.  One of the reasons I’m interested is because Linn’s commitment and longevity in streaming.  Which unit do you have?  I’m comfortable with the notion that the akurate DAC is probably better than what I have and that the streaming function is an upgrade over the node 2.  Part of the challenge for me is the rest of my system.  It doesn’t seem to make sense (in my mind) to break apart my M12/M22 combo.  And, all inputs into the M12 are converted to PCM (or something like that).  In other words, the Select DSM has a DAC, so I’d be going into the line inputs of my unit and I’m not sure that makes sense.  So, if I do this, it’ll probably be getting the one with the amplifier stage. 

A new server would cost between $2-$4k based on what I’m looking at. Or, I could sell my NAD M12/M22 and get ~$3k and turn around and buy the Select DSM w/ Akurate and amp for about $8k - a net cost of $5k.  Fewer boxes, cooler piece. Better overall?

Sure wish i could audition one at home.  There are no dealers for 300+ miles.  
I think I know the shop you were in, been there a few times myself.  So I recently switched to a Linn streamer from a Node 2 connected to a Modwright Elyse DAC which sounded VERY good.  I too was skeptical but have been 100% please and amazed by the switch.  The Linn tech is impressive, they have been committed to streaming longer than anyone AND they are upgradeable so your investment is not gone with the next revision.