Experience up-leveling streaming with USB cables?

Hi All - 

I posted this in the cable section, but thought I’d add it here. Like many of you, I’m always looking to make tweaks over time to improve my system. I’m thinking about purchasing an Innuos Reclocker to work with my existing Innuos ZENith mkiii. 

Part of that is obviously adding an additional USB cable. 

I read positive comments about the Final Touch Sinope cable. I was wondering if anyone with direct experience with the cable could comment on the qualities of that cable? Alternatively, I’d welcome suggestions on other USB cables you’ve used to up-level your streaming experience. 

Thanks in advance! 


Hi, I have one on hand if you want it. You can write me directly.

it is a great cable, very fast, accurate, open, airy. It bested several cables I used before. I have it new, unused as that particular project did not materialized. 
usb cables do make a difference. This one is a combination of silver and copper. Silver adds speed and open up the highs.


I use this from LavriCables that I think offers high value with 5N silver and physically separate data and power legs for only $150/1m.

They also offer a higher end version with higher gauge 5N silver if you want more and still not horribly priced at $425/1m


I’ve got several of their cables and have been impressed by their quality and performance/$. Best of luck


Another person wasting their money on trying to make usb listenable. A few more tweaks, a few more cables, and you will be where I was at 6 years ago, usb sucks no matter what gimmicks you use. Good luck on your adventure, in time you will realize you’ve wasted your time and money.

This is a good USB reference comparison thread. https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/usb-cable-shootout-8-cables-tested.37488/
I suggest picking two USB cables that have sound characteristics described close to what you are looking for and A/B them in your system. Keep the one one that sounds best in your system and return the other one. 
I A/B the Network Acoustics Muon2 against the Intona Reference and the Muon2 stayed. I have tried the top Sablon, Audioquest, and Supra as well. Every USB cable sounds different.

Shunyata alpha or theta USB was huge in my system.  Went with slpha ultimately but theta gave me most of the alpha improvement but found a used alpha online for same price as a new theta.  I'd HIGHLY recommend you find a local hifi shop to let you try different cabling.  I found the Shunyata stuff beat the other brands like wire world that I tried.  Best of luck to you!