Execution matters

So many companies start with good intentions. 

Hire great electrical engineers with audio experience. 

Then it's handed over to the mechanic and design group. 

Then the marketing and finance group gets involved. 

Then it's handed off to a contract manufacturer. 

That's the product we finally recieve. 
So many companies start with good intentions.

Hire great electrical engineers with audio experience.

Then it's handed over to the mechanic and design group.

Then the marketing and finance group gets involved.

Then it's handed off to a contract manufacturer.

That's the product we finally recieve.

Unless it isn't. In high end audio, it might have taken a short cut and simply built with the good intention (bypassing most of the points above). People that get into high end audio because they like it and want to make the best they can will make something a lot better and for the same money (or less) than those that got into it to make money. That is true of all professions BTW. High end audio is driven by intention and nothing else.

You have described mass market equipment, high end gear doesn't suffer through that process. 

Al @ Space Tech Lab


Danny @ GR. Both are pretty custom and easy to ask questions of or about their product..  Quick honest answers...

Electrical engineers can only do so much because we don’t understand sound well enough to design by engineering alone.

Mechanical and design group can’t do it either because even the best circuit the engineers can design will sound different depending on how it is laid out, and this again can only be determined by listening.

Marketing applies proven methods to manipulate what ultimately will stand or fall on performance. Finance, evil incarnate, the less said the better.

Why is it handed off to a contract manufacturer? Keith Herron doesn’t do this. Eric Alexander, Mark Baker, Steve Decker, Ted Denney, Max Townshend- none of them do this.

Matter of fact they don't do any of this stuff!

Wait a minute! What are we talking about here anyway? Sounds like some kind of mid-fi crap?! 🤣🤣