Everything Does Seem To Matter

Everything does seem to matter.

I purchased the Townshend Fractal F-1 speaker cables and have been impressed with them. Thanks to millercarbon. BTW, I compared them to many other speaker cables including the “hotly reviewed” Silversmith Fidelium’s.

I had them made unterminated because I thought I already had some very good lockable banana plugs to use. The bananas were the stackable kind and look very similar to the Furutech Fp-202 design. I have always preferred bananas because of the ease of connection. I know, I know, bare wire is the best but it is just too crappy looking, IMHO that is.

So, I don’t really know why, but I just decided to replace them with some WBT-0681 AG spades that I also had on hand. Once connected up, to my surprise, the bass became deeper, the treble more extended, along with a more solid sounding soundstage, and, it seems to be playing louder at the same volume settings? Huh? How can this be?

I was happy with the sound quality of the F-1 cables using the bananas for all this time, I just can’t believe that this much sound quality was left behind.

We use high quality wire, even silver only to terminate them with some cheap brass connectors. So, don’t ignore the last end of the connection.

Still some questions I have:

· Was the Banana’s sound quality inferior because of the use of cheaper metal, or perhaps thinner contact points?

· Do spades generally make better contact than bananas?

· Or, is the WBT design just superior in design.

Everything does seem to matter.



Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Thanks for the props. Interesting story. Actually there’s a couple things interesting about it, beginning with your ordering your F1 un-terminated. Because you are right, every little thing does matter. So it is interesting you prefer F1 to Fidelium, even with your bananas. Which now with WBT spades even better still.

I’m old-school and have always gone spades on speaker cables. The only exception being my Townshend Super tweeters which I had done banana in order to be able to connect/disconnect without disturbing the spades on the Moabs. Bananas to me have always been about convenience more than anything else.

But you are definitely right, every little thing does matter. Which makes it hard to answer your questions. Certainly the metal matters. But hard to know for sure which way that one goes. Spades do make better contact, at least when nice and tight. But that is only one part of the equation. There is also the way they are connected at the other end. Did you use the same crimp? Same solder? Those things matter too.

Then there are things like eddy currents, in which case even the shape matters and in that case you could be right about the WBT design.

This is why designers and manufacturers earn their money. It is easy to swap something like this and hear a difference. Figuring out exactly where that difference came from and why, that is the hard part.