Etta James - Mono vs. Stereo

I was looking at some early Etta James LPs on the Argo label.  All of her albums in the late 50s and early 60s were released in both Mono and Stereo on the Argo label.  Being they are both pretty expensive, is mono or stereo the superior recording for Etta on the Argo label?  I've listened to some reissues of her and was not impressed.  Any thoughts on Stereo vs. Mono?  
Based on other artists during that period  I have in my collection, the mono always seems to have a  more organic, convincing sound than stereo presses.  Purely subjective otherwise, unless it's that awful hard left/right "stereo"  I always go for the mono copy of any LP, especially late 50's-60's artists. 

The tough part is finding a copy unmolested, for a price you want to pay.
I have Etta's 'At Last' on Waxtime and it's vile, almost unlistenable. Several songs have a nasty rumble in them also. 
Are there any Etta James LP owners that own an Argo stereo LP, such as At Last, Second Time Around, or Sings for Lovers?  Wondering if the stereo is a good quality sound and not compressed.  Any help?
I didn't like the Chess "Second Time Around", which made me start looking at the originals.  The current reissues are all digital reproductions (Waxtime, Doxo, etc) which makes me dump some serious cash for an original Etta in good condition for an analog LP. 
The 'Tell Mama' complete sessions and the Chessbox both sound good to me (on CD). Anybody chime in about orig Mama Lp quality?
Not sure.

At Last came out in 1961 and was release in Mono and Stereo on the Argo Label.

Second Time Around also came out in 1961 and was release in Mono and Stereo.

Sings for Lovers came out in 1962 and was also released in Mono and Stereo the same year it came out.   

I would think one version has to be superior but maybe not.  Trying to find listeners who've heard both and get their take on it.  
Sorry to be a bit off topic. 

I’m a huge fan of Etta James and although little experience with mono versus stereo on Argo, I would like to suggest a couple of her albums on the basis of sound quality and artistic excellence.

Both are on Fantasy label, “Blues in the Night“ and “Blues in the Night Vol 2”.  These were both recorded live at Marla's Memory Lane Supper Club in Los Angeles in 1986 and one of my favorite blues  albums of all time.   The LP is super, I have not heard the CD but assume since it’s a Fantasy it will be great.

Good luck with your search.