
I am adding a HiFi Rose RS 130 to my set up and need to split my ethernet cable run...  Here is my question:  I have about a 20' run into the splitter , then 2 x 3' runs to the RS130 and a BluSound Vault.  I have been using a $20 ethernet Cat 5 cable on the BluSound Vault alone.  I am seeing (typical) ethernet runs for $7,000 to $1.50.  Where do I go here?  Primary goal is to make sure all 3 runs are identical and really NOT thinking of spending a ton here.  Thoughts?  Cat 5...6...7...?

Help !!


Seems reasonable and thank you...  Showing a 22 or 26 gauge also?

Any info is helpful & thank you!

Check out Wire World cable options.  I actually found a used cable that solved my wondering mind.  I believe it actually add a little detail and depth.  Who knows if true but it eliminated my cable concerns and save some money while retaining a little resale value.  

I hope you mean "Ethernet switch" instead of "splitter."

Keep in mind that Cat 5 cable has about 100x more bandwidth than audio or even video requires.  Going to a higher cat than your source and switch supports doesn't help anything.  Using shielded however may help.

Also, with long runs you run the risk of picking up an induced surge from a local lightning strike.  I encourage you to use a certified isolator (UL60601 or ISA60601) on the side closest to your more expensive gear, or one on each end.  More about that here.

Erik - Yes, sorry. 

Thank you...  A "non audiophile" buddy said the same thing about moving up from Cat 5...  He couldn't see the reason.  I'll look into the isolator.