Esoteric Amps with Revel Salon 2 Speakers

Would low watt Esoteric power amps work well with Revel Salon 2 speakers.  I keep reading the Salon 2s need a lot of power.  However, the dealer says "current" is clarity are more important.  Does anyone have an opinion on this?  Thanks.


The Salons are very neutral so the choice very much depends on what sound characteristics you’re looking for, so if you share that critical info you’ll get much better recommendations here.

I had the parasound A 21 250/425 and also the Hegel H360 that has similar power ratings, but is more neutral than the A 21 yet both didn't have enough to get the bass the salon 2 are renowned for. Also, if I tried to drive the speakers to 90+ db levels amps would go into thermal shutdown.  The gent I sold the salon 2 to used Mac MC 601's and had no such problems, however he said that even with 600 wpc the clipping lights would occasionally start blinking on the Macs. I wouldn't buy any amp without trying first because they are quite good when powered correctly.

I don't know the Salon speakers so maybe my comments won't be useful. 

I have PMC Fact 12 speakers which have a sensitivity of 84dB.  I tried out an Esoteric S05 amp with them and found they could play loud enough in my 12' x 18' x 10' room.  They were also very musical.

I am now trying out the Esoteric S02 which is class AB.  Pretty well as musical I'd say but more grip. 

I gather the S02 has been discontinued; no longer available in the US.  I'm in the UK and my dealer said he picked up one of the last available ones.  I imagine one might find a second-hand one tjhough.

While the Salon 2s will play with lower powered amps, the designer has been quoted as recommending a minimum of 500 watts for the best performance. My experience with them confirms this, they simply come to life with a new level of performance and effortlessness when paired with such a powerful amp.

They lack dynamics on lower powered stuff. They need massive power to be dynamic.