Equipment Location at First Reflection Point

A recent discussion on speaker positioning also had comments about where to place equipment.  Due to multiple door/window/furniture constraints,  the only configuration that works is to place the equipment on the right side wall.  However, to avoid bass modes the only location on the sidewall is at the first reflection point.  I've searched the forums for comments about this (as well as Smith's book) and found nothing that addresses whether or not this is a problem.  Just wondering whether this is an issue and, if so, how would you address it ?  


it never occurred to me to use a SPL meter to refine the search for the G spot. I think they have missed a marketing opportunity!

@lowrider57  Very good question--actually it sounds great and i'm wondering if i'm chasing/inventing a problem that isn't there;  the only way to know though would be to move the rack, place absorption and listen--not really practical b/c i have nowhere to put the rack except between the speakers which everyone says is bad--so i may make things worse.

@elliottbnewcombjr -- i have sound tools but i will check out that CD--i've been looking for a way to test other than regular music sources.  However, i'm not sure what i'd be looking for that would tell me if the rack being at reflection point is causing a problem?

Do yourself a lifetime favor, get one of these Sound Pressure Meters


needs a tripod hole on the bottom. Tripod, seated ear height, listening position

Next, you need test signals to measure/compare.

this CD is my favorite: tracks 9-38: 29 individually selectable 1/3 octave bands,


make a chart, see what you are getting, see results of changes.

My vintage speakers have level controls, and this was my new best friend balancing side to side and top to bottom from my listening position.


I'm restoring a vintage pair of AR-2ax speakers for my office, finishing today. I had forgotten they have mid and tweet level controls. Mic and test tones tomorrow am. Usually you let the woofer go full out and apply less or more attenuation to the other drivers, relative to what the woofer is doing IN IT'S CURRENT POSITION. Move them, readjust. Oh happy day, BUT, be precise! You might consider, if you have too much bass GENERALLY, add a level control to tame whatever needed.


The question is, how does it sound to you in it's current state? Is the soundstage and tonal quality correct from your listening position? You may be chasing a problem that doesn't exist.

Vinyl isn't an issue--the TT is not on the rack and is located in a base null on the same wall toward the front but not in the corner.  That would be the ideal location for the rack but then the TT would have to be at the first reflection point.  I thought about a panel but with the room configuration i would have to move it out of the way every time i access the rack, although that isn't that big a deal i suppose. WAF may come into play.  I have absorption on the left wall reflection point.  I could mount a panel on hinges on the rack and just swing it out of the way?  Kinda lose the cool factor of seeing the equipment an old R to R there...sniff...


You could use a stand-alone absorber diffusor panel in front of it.

Very good idea

You could use a stand-alone absorber diffusor panel in front of it. Having a matching one on the other side would not be a bad thing either.

Probably not good especially if you play vinyl. May cause feedback through the cartridge.