Entry Level Tube Preamp or Higher Quality Used Model?

Hi All-

Overall I have great system that I’m happy with. But I recently heard a tube preamp and am smitten. There appear to be some well reviewed affordable models from Schiit Audio and Rogue, etc. that can be had for relatively short money. However for roughly the same price I can get a used piece from a traditionally higher quality brand like AudioResearch, Conrad Johnson, etc.

I’d like to stay around $1500 or less. Balanced operation would be good too. No phone pre section needed. The Schiit Freya+ Seems to be a good economical option. Are any of the new Chi-Fi brands worth a look? Does anyone have a recommendation?



Showing 2 responses by charles1dad

The stated budget of the OP is in the range 1500.00 dollars. You won’t find either of those Atma-Sphere preamplifiers anywhere near that price used. In particular a used MP-1 would be multiples of 1.5K dollars. Most responders  are trying to   recommend options that fit the stated price range. I’m very familiar with the MP-1. It is excellent sounding but in an entirely different cost bracket.
Good feedback and discussion with this thread,
+2 In regard to the Aesthetic Calypso . Audio Research is obviously the bigger name and has more brand recognition, it is a solid product.
In the stated price range of the OP I believe that the Calypso is the better sounding line stage. Very well made from a small but high quality company.