Edgar Winter is still alive.

Since there are four similar threads about Johnny I thought that we could use some balance.
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I saw Edger back in the day in a little hall during his "Frankenstein" tour, it was great.
The band that backed him up was pretty good too, although I had never heard of them before: Roxy Music.
Great night.
Of course Frankenstein is Edgar's biggest hit. Anyone that's enjoyed this tune should check Edgar's latest version on his 'Jazzin' The Blues' record. totally different, Frankie's swingin'!;)
Saw Edgar with Ringo's All Stars a couple of years ago here in Eugene, OR. Great show and Edgar played and sang as well as when I saw him as Edgar Winter Group in Boston at the Music Hall in the the Fall of 1975 with Dan Hartmann and Rick Derringer. Frankenstein!
Viridian: Where's your "balance"?

You started a thread for a deceased artist. I assume you were trying to make some sort of statement. OK? Where is your statement? What did JW mean to you?

I really want to know???
Been a fan of the Winter Bros. for what? 40+ yrs now. Back in the day I saw EW more (9-10x) than JW (3-4x). Honestly, I picked up a recent recording of Johnny's and was shocked and disappointed by how he sounded. His beautiful voice was shot and his gtr playing was a shadow of what it used to be. While I understand the inevitability of age, some musicians can maintain, and even surpass sometimes, the musical standard established during their youth. I'd much rather listen to an older record than suffer feeling pity for artists I admire. All that said, Johnny's got a new record coming out that's been generating a bit of buzz due to it featuring a bunch of guests. Although I usually find these types of records to be a gimmick I'll be checking this one out 'cause it's Johnny.

Interesting to note that Edgar Winters last 2 records have been 2 of his best! Stylistically very different, 'Jazzin' The Blues' is comparable to his very fine 'Jasmine Nightdreams'. 'Rebel Road' is a straight up keg party Rock n Roll record!
At least 2 of the 4 threads actually have his name spelled correctly in the title.True fans!
Ironic how people we like get the most threads only when when they die. :^(
Talking about Johnny that is.

Yes, I saw Edgar a couple of years ago with Ringo! Fantastic! FRANKENSTEIN!
He will always be alive in my heart, and hey, we can still enjoy his style of magic, much as we do Stevie Ray Vaughan's, Albert King's, Jimi's and many others. Personally, I am so happy, and impressed, that he made it to 70, given his albinism. I believe his love of music and art may have had something to do with that. I know it is certainly part of my healthcare plan.