earphone desgin and quality research

Hi all, im new to the forum so apologies if this is in the wrong place.

im doing a little bit of research on what needs to be considered when making a high quality earphone (wireless) set. ill be working with a manufacturer off of alibaba so i need to know im not getting a low quality product. what do i need to take into account regarding the "anatomy" of a speaker, for instance what materials will produce the best sound. any advice is greatly appreciated.

kind regards
I don't mean to be rude but don't waste your time manufacturing a new headphone.There are a TON of low priced cans from makers like HiFiMan that are established,affordable & sound amazing,you just won't be able to compete...
That ends up being more marketing. 

Having a high resolution BT and a great fit that is not only secure, but blocks out the noise around me. This was one disappointment in recent Fiio models.  The throat is too short, and the foam tips were too small.