Dynavector XX2 MKII? Your thoughts of it?

Hello fellow Audiogon members, I had recently purchased a new mega RP8 turntable to replace my old Systemdek back in february. Since May I had a Dynavector 20x2L mounted on it and had tremendous synergy and results with it. Love it. Now one of my dealers has a lightly used Dynavector XX2 MKII. As his back up cartridge at home with about a 1000 hours on it. But because of his recent cartridge purchase his wife wants him to sell it. He offered me $400 cash for it.
Should i jump on it?
Also Is the XX2 MKII a better cartridge over the Rega Apheta? 
And what sort of difference dose the XX2 have over 20x2L and would it be an upgrade for the RP8?

1,000 is a LOT of hours even if the seller’s being honest, but $400 on a $2K cartridge is still a good deal if the maker offers a good rebuild program. From what I can glean online, Dynavector does not (but perhaps I'm mis-informed) -- you’d want a cartridge that can be rebuilt like new for 50% (or less) of list price (e.g. Ortofon, Koetsu). I’d probably pass because of that. And another reason I’m a happy Koetsu user.

Even Ortofon has come out and said that their replicant stylus can last 2,000 hours (given excellent care), but there will indeed be physical changes to the stylus at 1,000.
Since I don't keep a timer on while I'm listening, does anyone have a ballpark estimate of how many years it takes to hit 1,000 hours on a stylus?  
Dear @jakecanada : The  XX2 MKII  is with out doubt a better overall cartridge quality performer but even if with good care 1K hours on it are to much.

In other thread and before you posted yours we discussed about stylus tip time to re-tip and my take is between 600-800 hours for pristine performance.

It's better for you and your LPs stay away from that cartridge.

regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Here is info on stylus life!
A worn stylus damages records, causes distortion, and affects tonal response. What, then, is the life of a phonograph stylus, and when should it be replaced? The first part of this question is rather difficult to answer with any degree of exactitude. Asking, "how long should a phonograph stylus last?" is like asking "what is the life of an automobile tire?" To answer such a question, even approximately, would require additional information, such as: the weight of the car; the speed at which it is usually operated; the type of roads over which it will travel; whether gravel, dirt, or asphalt; the quality of the tire itself, etc. Quite a number of variable factors! The life of a pickup stylus depends upon at least as many variables. Among the factors influencing stylus wear are the material of which the stylus tip is made; the condition of the records with which it is used; and the stylus pressure. Also of considerable importance is the ability of the pickup itself to follow the impressions engraved upon the groove walls with the least resistance to the motion they cause. This is called "trackability" and is related to a specification called "compliance."

The second part of the question, "when should a stylus be replaced?" is not quite as difficult to answer, though the answer can only be an approximation. As a rule of thumb, a diamond stylus should be replaced after 800 to 1,000 hours of playing time.
And more!
It's not the dealer who is selling it to me it's one of the salesmen who works there. Like I said he has some very high end gear and takes care of his stuff! I just can't  afford a new XX2 cartridge. So I thought this would be a good way to get into and a teast of highend without spending the full price. And when I have the funds later to get it retiped. Also to use the 20x2 as a spare. But I could probably get it for around 250-300$ too.
Offer $200 for the cartridge. That'd be a fair deal, in my opinion, given the long hours, no warranty, sketchy story, etc.

Good luck.
He's a dealer and his wife is demanding that he sell a cartridge? Sounds fishy to me...

1000 hours is too much for a used cartridge, even assuming that this is an accurate estimate.

I'd definitely prefer a Dynavector to the shrill sounding Rega Apheta, but this one doesn't sound like a bargain to me.
$400 for an XX2 Mk. II with 1000 hours is a fair deal, presuming that the stylus itself is in good condition.  You should look at it under a microscope if possible to be sure there are no pits, striations, cracks or uneven wear.

I can't speak to the Soundsmith upgrade as I haven't heard it, but the XX2 is a much more refined cartridge than the 20X2L.  Good enough that even small tweaks to VTA can make a world of difference.

Good luck & happy listening!
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First of all, 1,000 hours in not slightly used.  $400 used plus $500 for  Soundsmith ruby cantilever/stylus upgrade would get you an awesome cartridge.   With 1K hours, half of the stylus life is gone.  If you like the 20xl, the xx2 give you the same sound but with more refinement and detail.