Dynaudio Contour C60 or Magico A3 or Vandersteen Treo CT

Hi everyone. My first post on Audiogon so bear with me please. Trying to decide on a new set of speakers and struggling to pull the trigger on one of the 3 in the title of the post (Dynaudio Contour C60 or Magico A3 or Vandersteen Treo CT).  I understand that the best way to try and decide is to listen to them but I would have to drive up and down the east cost to find retailers and the auditioning would be with 3 different component set ups so that presents a challenge.  I would appreciate any help members can provide, especially those who may have listened to all 3 speakers.  I listen to mostly acoustic jazz/human voice (~70%) and rock/alternative.  I have an upgraded (spring 2017) McCormack DNA 0.5 power amp and upgraded McCormack TCL1 preamp.  VPI Prime Scout TT, Moon CD player and JL sub.  Currently using  20y.o. Totem 1s and I'm ready for a floor standing speaker.  Room is relatively large with plenty of space on either side and behind the speakers and I can be flexible with the distance between the speakers and seating distance.  Thanks for any help you can provide.

Showing 2 responses by 2psyop

+1 twoleftears 1st post.
I would say the Magico or Vandersteen. But I own Vandersteen, so I like that one. I would not buy either without listening to them first, I might really favor the Magico. But if I had the cash, I would get a mint used Quatro CT over both.
Good choice on traveling to hear the speakers. You owe it to yourself to do so IMHO. Make notes, maybe have a checklist of things that are important to you. Don’t forget your OWN music to demo.