Dunlavy SC-VI

I just bought a pair of Dunlavy SC-VIs. They are MUCH better than the Dunlavy SC-Vs I had. I am curious to know if anyone uses a Sigtech or Tact Room correction with the SC-VIs. What speaker cables do you use? (I use NBS signature II)
Because the design parameters are the same, they (V's and VI's) are very similar. The VI's don't really go any lower than the V's (at least in a normal room) but because of the radiating area of the bass drivers, they have more weight to the bottom end.

That does not mean that have increased bass amplitude. It means they move more air and so sound more like what bass does in a concert hall in terms of compressing the air in the room. In addition, because each of the drivers is larger than the counterpart in the V (except the tweeter), the VI's are more relaxed at greater volumes.

If you have the right room (and the money) I believe the VI's to be the better speaker. But given the V's are about half the price of VI's, (and 98% of the speaker)the V is the better buy. ....by a long shot !!!
I'm curious as to the sonic differences between the Vs and VIs? Dunlavy literature simply says the VIs go a touch lower, but both speakers are flat anyway. Do VIs have a different sonic signature? Do they seem more efficient? ... or what is it that makes them better than the Vs?
I would second the comments of audioguy. I have Dunlavy SC-V's and use a Sigtech. I had a similiar dip around 40Hz. Since I listen to a lot of organ and late romantic music this was quite annoying. I used the RPG software ( Much simpler than the CARA) to explore various combinations of listening position and speaker positions that minimized the dip. I had three most promising combo's measured and used the SigTechto correct for those listening positions. In all three the speaker positions are the same but the angle of the speakers and the listening distances are different.

The first is 9' ft from the speakers where the Dunlavy's are time coherent. This is my listen alone postion. The second is further back and almost as good but alllows for my wife and I to liste together. The third is further back and allows several of our friends to listen with us.
I suspect the dip was between 32 and 45 Hz. One of the advantages of the SigTech (or the TAct in this case) is to carefully move the speakers and listening position and remeasure until you can reduce the amplitude of the dip in the low end.

I had the exact same problem (I use a SigTech, and was able to get the dip to about 5db by moving stuff around. The SigTech would fix it all but I chose to only fix part of it (modified the target curve).

Having Dunlavy send you measurements is not going to solve the problem.

I have SC-VIs (iniated this thread) and tried the Sigtech for a couple of weeks, but it was not able to solve a bass hole of 10db that my room produces at 35-50hz. I added a Z-systems loaner but it was not transparent enough so I sent both the Sigtech and Z-systems back. Then I decided to try the CARA 2.0 and maybe later the Tact RCS.

I got this (US$50) great accoustic simulation/optimization program called CARA 2.0, see Stereophile review.
This program comes with a bunch of speaker models, but no Dunlavy model. I have created a simple SC-VI model but it is VERY far from the frequency response of the Dunlavy SC-VI. It has already improved the speaker positioning.

I sent an e-mail to Dunlavy a couple of months ago asking them to make a correct model (I can buy and send them the $50 program if they want...), but Dunlavy never responded.

Can somebody convince Dunlavy to have them make this simulation model? It should not take much time and would be great given that these speakers are very sensitive to positioning and this great program does speaker position optimization IF you have a good model of the speaker.

If anybody has a good (near to the real frequency response) CARA 2.0 model of the SC-VI, can you e-mail to vpnogueira@yahoo.com?


RCPrince can no longer repond, having died of envy. You will hear from our lawyers.--Estate of RCPrince :>)
If you tell me that in addition to having both sets of speakers and a very big HT, that the HT is also positioned such that you can play it at any level you want, day or night, without disturbing anyone, I think I'm going to have to stop reading this thread.......
I know..I know...perhaps overkill for surround, but I love it. (My wife says I'm crazy). I have a big home theater room about the size of a very deep three car garage with a high ceiling.
What happened was I originally purchased the Vs and was extremely pleased, but always kept asking myself, "If these sound great, what would the VIs sound like in my room?" I took the plunge. They arrived and I am in heaven. I thought about selling the Vs, but when I hooked them up as rears, there was no way I could part with them. I am a two channel afficionado and on SACD, the VIs sing. But I also enjoy the DVD, DVD Audio, and DTS 5.1 formats and together the Vs and VIs get a real workout. I am in sonic bliss. Besides me, my family and/or guests receive a lot of enjoyment from the setup.
(Sorry for the late response, but I've been out of town and had not checked the web in a few days.)
Happy listening!!
I Have Dunlavy V's and use as main speakers and II's as surrounds, I-av as surround. Not as extreme as the listener and telemoli.
I do not use any correction unit. Dunlavy Speaker cables absolutely works better with the dunlavy's( at its cheaper prices, justifies the word 'better'. I tried some 'expensive' Tara Labs and MITs, I ended up choosing the Dunlavy cables!
Telemoli--I gotta know too--don't tell me you use the Vs for surrounds or we'll all die of envy!!!
Where in the world does somebody PUT both a pair of V's and VI's :-)

This is asked, of course, with extreme envy....

I agree with Listener's response. John Dunlavy gives some great suggestions on room treatments. I followed them with excellent results. I also own both the Dunlavy Vs and the VIs. Best hifi purchases I ever made. After the speakers were drop shipped, I tried several speaker cables but could not audition Dunlavy cables. (I have no Dunlavy dealer in my area. I hear they are outstanding though.) After many trials, I chose Nordost SPM. I highly recommend them. Smooth, silky, great detail.
I still own the SC-V's as well as SC-VI's. I don't currently use any name-brand room correction aids. If you read through the Dunlavy Owners Manual or go to the "listening room" link at the Dunlavy site, John has some very good recommendations. You obviously like his speaker design, so why not try some of his suggestions for room treatments.

As far as cables go, you probably need to provide more info on your total system(including your room dimensions) if you want informed feedback. I myself use Dunlavy cables. I have discussed this choice with other Dunlavy owners, and we agree that the Dunlavy cables seem to work well with Dunlavy speakers, regardless of the electronics.
Hope this helps and happy listening.
I use the SigTech (and have a Tact) on VI's. SigTech is better and Tact cost less. If you can afford the best (which, given your speaker choice appears you can) go for the SigTech.

I use Dunlavy cables