I run a 'vintage' audio system (so, equipment from the 1960s / 1970s; and things like a Reel to Reel tape deck, etc.) and I recently switched from a fully integrated solid state receiver (which is basically a tuner / preamp / amplifier all in one unit) to a tube preamp / dual solid state monoblock amplifiers.
In all fairness, the receiver I had was a very good high output unit for it's time (160 wpc) and the sound quality was also very good... I have noticed, however, what I feel is an improvement in overall SQ with the separates setup; and more specifically, adding tubes in at the preamp stage adds a certain quality and fullness to the sound that I did not even know was 'lacking' in my previous configuration.
I thought perhaps it was simply confirmation bias on my part; but I have gotten similar comments from my family members that they too hear a pleasant difference since my 'upgrade'...