Downloads Versus Streaming

Hi Again,

I’ve been streaming Qobuz through my Bryston Pi to my Ayre QB9 Twenty. Despite being told that streaming quality is every bit as good sounding as my local library on an external SSD, my ears tell me otherwise. Even at higher bit rates and resolutions. Yes, a better streamer and/or tweaks and upgrades would have effective results, at this stage I believe I’m better off with downloads. I’m just wondering what you folks out there have experienced regarding this matter and what you’ve done to make improvements.


Showing 5 responses by jbuhl

I also have Qobuz-->Bryston Pi. I also think spinning a CD on a BOT-1or playing files sound a tiny bit better and I mean tiny. Upgrading to a mesh network and having the Pi connected directly to a node and upgrading my cable reduced the margin even more. But not enough to dump a wad of cash on an upgraded streamer. The last move I made was putting a ROON core on an SGC ST and switching the Pi to an endpoint. Proly sit at this level for a while as it sounds really close to files and my Rega P6/Ania Pro. Nothing matches ROON for library management that I have seen. The Radio Paradise app for sure sounds better on the Pi than Roon and I switch back to Pi/MPD when critically listening to that source but otherwise I am all ROON now.


If my dealer ever gets a MOON Mind 2 in I might consider doing a head to head with the Pi. Or picking up a Used Bryston BDP-3. But the BDP-3 is totally over kill for just tapping a service or Roon Endpoint.







’Upgrading to a mesh network and having the Pi connected directly to a node’.


It’s moot point if your Pi is hardwired ethernet. Mesh networks use nodes that you place around your house. They create an improved network environment with a single access point. I just have one of the nodes placed at my rig and can run ethernet cable directly to the node.



What were you using to run the ROON Core?




Yeah I tested on a MAC mini.  After reading here and other places I finally took a leap of faith and put the core on a dedicated host (SGC ST i5) sitting at the rig and also hard wired to the Mesh Node. Made enough difference that I stuck with ROON over the Pi/MPD.

Yeah a Small Green Computer Sonic Transport (SGC ST).  Runs bit calmer, way more stripped down.  Don't have to worry about all the Mac updates and baggage  that platform brings along.   Stability is rock solid as well (so far) and support is good.   Dedicated device only way to run a ROON core IMO.  Sometimes you see them on the used market.  Been really happy with mine.

The SGC/ST like most of this stuff was an incremental bump and got things close enough to MPD that I stayed with Roon.   Roon also opens things up for sprinkling other low cost endpoints around the house like old Sonos zp90s that can be picked up for dirt cheap.   Got those endpoints in the garage and work station.   I do not stream DSD.  I no longer buy downloads due to unpredictable/unknown quality of the source.   I am at a point where I am good with red book,24/96 and  vinyl.