Don't know what's wong with me

I went on this rampage, bought 300B ,845, amps to get more of the 45 magic. Should have been looking more efficient speakers! Shame on me. Nothing like a 45 SET. I knew better but still tried to better it. My James Burgess 45 amp still rules. After I got my Audio Nirvana speakers did I realize the ways of error. I also even learned that a preamp can still help. You can still learn something after all these years. Please forgive me 45 SET people for I've seen the errors of my ways.

Showing 3 responses by charles1dad

Philefreak, Audio component preference is purely a Baskins Robbins proposition. So many amps within a particular niche(in this case SET) then factor in the multiple speaker options. Eventually most of us find our ideal flavor. Many possible end results. I'm glad you discovered your preferred flavor. I'm happy with my flavor as well.
Yes, the circuit is certainly a determining factor regarding the final sound. There are enough variables involved that make blanket statements about output tube character a bit tricky. Different amps which use the same output tube can sound very different from each other. Then consider the brand of output tube and their own characteristics. Hard wired or circuit board? Direct coupled,capacitor or interstage transformer? which brand? Choke filtered? AC or DC heated? Power supply caps, electrolytic,film or oil? Copper or silver wired? Who's the amplifier builder? Many variables play a role.
The first time I heard those Japanese 845 PSET amps driving the Crescendo I knew they were special. It was at CES a few years ago. I listened to them a good 45 minutes. The next day I revisited that room and stayed over an hour. Both times I was able to play music I brought with me. Just a very involving presentation of music. I've heard that pairing again at other shows, same positive result. I'll gladly keep my current system but I could be very happy with the Triode Corp and AZ Crescendo as well. There were many more expensive systems I've heard that weren't nearly as musically/emotionally satisfying.