Don't do anything!

A couple months ago I posted a question on the forums that I was looking for the next level of imaging from my system and was contemplating better speakers.  As per usual there were many responses of varying degrees advice.

Since then I have done nothing to pursue this next level.  The reason for my inaction - my system is breaking.  What I mean by that is I had made a few upgrades to my system  - which were new power cable for the amp, newer speaker cables and finally a cartridge that has about 150 hrs on it. All of these changes are moving from the break in stage into what they can do for better sound.  So now my system is maturing and delivering on what I am looking for.  So the moral of the story is - leave it alone, stop tweaking.  Let your system evolve.

Thanks for the advice fellow music lovers!


@dwcda  it happens to me all the time, from day to day, without changing a thing  and i have no idea why.  sometimes i just turn off my gear cuz nothing sounds right.  and it really is frustrating.  but that's my reality.

I get that. But on the good days it makes no sense to me to say ah, it's good today because my cables burned in, or because my cartridge has 150 hours on it. Given that logic how does one justify the bad days? 


Congratulations OP

It’s always great to hear someone who is happy with their system. I’m hoping to get there with just one final change.😁

I don't think it's the power or speaker cables "breaking in" - that's just audiophile foolishness.  Your cartridge, however, may have more to do with it.  More than likely you are acclimating to the new cartridge and it's your brain "breaking in".

I evaluate tweaks only late at night when the power grid has calmed down. During the day - especially in the summer - the power can be quite janky, and it's very audible.