Does USB cable length make a diference?

I'm not talking a super long USB cable. I'm looking at a short usb cable from my Streamer to Dac (1 foot would even work). However if I got a more standard length (2 to 3 ft) would I lose anything? A longer cable would be more versatile if I ever needed it for soemething else. 


In my experience with USB C - 6 feet is fine but a 10 ft cable apparently starts to weaken the needed signal and you may start to see issues.

A friend makes his own USB cables, which sound very very good.  He experimented with different lengths and we tested them. It does make a difference. The three lengths were 15cm, 50cm and 100cm. The quality improved as the cable length shortened. 

Interesting thread.

I’ve heard that 1 1/2 meters is the best length for a USB cable, but I have never heard what to long is. I’ll be curious to hear the answer.