Does hearing the best in high end audio make your opinions more valid?

I say yes. Some say no. What are your thoughts?

Showing 7 responses by erik_squires


eric... Discussing nonsense is not of any interest to me. Some folks love to posit drivel and then expect some counterargument. Not gonna happen. If you think what you wrote had merit, not my problem.z

That's funny, because you made a claim about an invalid inference, I gave you a chance to correct it and now you seem offended. Do as you will. 



eric_squires sez' " So we can infer " No, you cannot make those leaps. Sorry to bust you poor logic, but trying to put those words into my discussion? Not gonna happen.

Well, that was your opportunity to explain why the inference doesn't work. 
There are three types of wine tasters:

1. Those who don't know or care about differences. 
2. Those who are delight in buying $300 bottles of wine
3. Those who know what a $300 bottle of wine tastes like and buys a $30 that is just as good and delights in saving the $270. 

Not that this has anything at all to do with audio. :) 


@elizabeth Spraketh thus:

 I agree you CAN make a satisfying system, but you are totally fooling yourself that it is, IN FACT, as good as systems ten times the price.

So we can infer your arguments are:

  • Price always equals performance and quality
  • The market is the ultimate arbiter of quality
I find these do not fit my own experience. In fact, I think that the pride of spending money is it's own biasing influence.  Unlike cars, 


Listening to lots of acoustic live music gives the best benchmark for building an audio system.

If that's what you want to reproduce. Accuracy is not the goal for every audiophile. 
Conversely, hearing what reviewers claim is "the best" which costs a million dollars, and knowing your are happier with your system that was quite affordable can certainly make you an insufferably smug bastard. 

That's pretty much what happened to me. :) 


I think listening to a variety of things and understanding what bring you pleasure is important.

I’m not really interested in what others may claim is best.
