Does anyone have any experience with the LSA VT70? Thoughts, comparisons??

Or what are you running with it?

I have the tubed Audio GD preamp.  Lovely sound.  Stellar preamp IMO.  I also have the Voyager GAN amp.   Terrific amplifier that does have great clarity and a tubelike mid/high frequency presentation.  I have PassLabs, JC1 monoblocks, Canary Tube monoblocks, etc.  The Voyager GAN, except for head banging low end, is my favorite amp.

Walter has been great to deal with over the years.  

I am. 

If you need any questions answered I am happy to help - please PM or e-mail

Best wishes,



Good Morning

If there are any technical questions re VT70 (or any other products from Underwood's own brands) you can PM me here and I will do my best to get back to you quickly


any OTHER questions, feel free to PM here or e-mail me at


The VT70 sounds really nice - and it's easy to use and quite versatile too. 




Do you believe the many lies told every day in the MSM? There's always a fall guy


I believe Mark Schifter has paid his dues, and has suffered enough. Let's keep to the topic please. TY

Apparently is another Mark Schifter project, of the infamous AV123 implosion, not to mention going to prison for charity fraud. How many chances does this guy get in this industry? I guess with Underwood fronting things, people will actually get product, but I would still stay far away from anything this guy is involved with. 



Since you are familiar with Underwood, and are interested in a more potent amp (845) I highly recommend you get a LSA Voyager 350, GaN amp, and it's on sale

Looks like it was built by Muzishare/Line Magnetic. Seems like LSA and Underwood sources a lot from China based on looking at their cables and other products. This isn’t a criticism as I just purchased a GD Audio preamp from Underwood and really like it. I bet this integrated will perform better than its $1200 price tag. I’d love to see an 845 stereo amp (not integrated) like the LM-845. That I would likely buy!