Does anyone answer e-mail? Hello?

I'm new to AudiogoN, having signed on to facilitate purchasing some equipment to round out a couple of my systems, as well as partake of all the experience others have. Out of the last 13 e-mails I have sent to sellers inquiring about their components for sale, exactly TWO have responded. Is this the norm for this board? If so, I'm better off on e-bay. I'm very disappointed to find that noone seems very interested in selling the equipment they list. Has this been anyone else's experience, or am I missing something here?

Showing 2 responses by tireguy

Vdub-First of all cool name(I am a fellow dubber;). I would say close to 95% of my emails get returned from audiogon, though I have sold some things and low ballers are just plain annoying-sure everyone wants a good deal, but I got 14 emails in 3 hours and 12 of them where as stated above asking for it dirt cheap with shipping included.

Fatparrot-Hey thats a low blow, Tire Kickers? come no now have a heart! I'll feed my parrot some crackers soaked in anti-freeze! j/k.
Natalie-Perhaps your time isn't valuable to you, but some of us have better things to do then humor low ballers. I always put firm on ads and what I ask for is what I will take, no less-and I still get many lowballers. Frankly my time(and I am sure I am not the only one here) is too valuable to offer these clowns more then 2 key-strokes to delete there message. Staying on "high-horse" ;)