Yes they do.  I’m not here to advocate for any particular brand but I’ve heard a lot and they do matter. High Fidelity reveal cables, Kubala Sosna Elation and Clarity Cable Natural. I’m having a listening session where all of them is doing a great job. I’ve had cables that were cheaper in my system but a nicely priced cable that matches your system is a must.  I’m not here to argue what I’m not hearing because I have a pretty good ear.  I’m enjoying these three brands today and each is presenting the music differently but very nicely. Those who say cables don’t matter. Get your ears checked.  I have a system that’s worth about 30 to 35k retail.  Now all of these brands are above 1k and up but they really are performing! What are your thoughts. 

Showing 26 responses by nonoise

Thanks Al and sorry Elizabeth,

When I inserted the link, I must have cut off part of it. I miss the old way I used to do it before this site and apple did their updates/revisions. 

Also, you can go the right side of the page and see Roger's other articles and just click on them. 😄

All the best,
Here's a couple of articles from Roger Skoff that can either add or detract, depending on one's inclinations:
I think he's forgotten more about cables than most here have learned.

All the best,

That's how I do breath when listening, until I start to slip into a slumber and things slow down accordingly. 😄
So, is the point to breath normally when auditioning new cables?
Does hyper and hypo ventilation skew perceptions?
Just asking. 😄

I don't mind tangents: I do it all the time. 

All the best,

I can see your viewpoint as a starting off of sorts, to those of us who've racked up some years in this hobby. Looks were important to me as a beginner as well but I've gotten over that a long time ago. Now I just rely on my ears, looks be damned.  😄

All the best,
I suspect that some, probably not all, of the buyers fall in the similar category. They want finishing touches to their equipment, a final stroke they may feel is missing. Something that, at least in their minds, matches the rest of their system. It does take some sheepish courage to admit you fell for the looks and that is where some of the bias may come from.
I suspect that you're prone to projection, at least in this case.

All the best,

To paraphrase an old Sam Kinison line:
If you see me doing that, just shoot me.
similior se fecit

The ironic thing is thinking you're going to fit in here.
"No one is the heir of a living person." Or is it something like, "No one is adhering to your lifestyle (beliefs?)" Parakeets indeed. I've heard of the lizard brain but from the bird brain comes this?

Thanks, Prof, then I must be in good company. 😄

All the best,


I never said it transmits more info, but that a better made cable doesn't mess as much with the info. There seems to be more breeds of parakeets than meets the eye.

I have no measurement nor do I care in the least to procure them. I rely on my ears. 

But you seem to mistakenly infer I have agreed that people actually ARE hearing the BIG improvements they claim, rather than it being from bias/imagination etc.
No, I never said, nor inferred that. As for beggars, they come in all sizes and shapes, don't they?

As for the rest of what you ask, I replied to that earlier before your last post. As for your inability to appreciate my point of view or even to entertain it, it could be that when something begins to make sense, it conflicts with a pre conceived notion or idea.

All the best,

Golly gee. 

The symbol is NOT the thing symbolized; the word is NOT the thing; the map is NOT the territory it stands for. 

What is being measured is not the sound:. it's the electrical properties of the signal.

All the best,


I already addressed your concerns it in my statement and it wasn't confusing unless it's another game afoot. 

There are better made cables that allow more info to come forth. You've said as much earlier when you admitted that a minute amount improvement can't account for the big increases that some say they hear and appreciate. I say they do.

The signal measured shows everything to be okay but it doesn't take into account what is smeared or messed with by a lesser cable. They are tone controls after all but some do less damage than others. They may measure similar but can sound quite different. 

The smeared or compromised sound is not what's getting through in the final recording. It's what being heard while it happens. And it's repeatable until a better cable is used. Then, one can hear and appreciate the difference.

All the best,
Cables do matter. Don't fall for the pickled red herring of red herrings that once some old, run of the mill cable is used to record something that a better made cable can't be any better at retrieving more info. That you can't get any more out of it with a better cable presupposes that something happened to the info when recorded, using the older cable.

About 100% of the signal is/was passed by the older cable (unless you're running 50' of speaker cable or 150' of interconnects)) only to be masked by it's inferior design during recording and playback using the same cable. It didn't eat it, or absorb it, so where did the signal go? Does the older cable look like a boa digesting a goat?

The music residing in that recording is there even if it came across on some run of the mill Belden cable. The better cable will reveal more of it. And it doesn't need to be expensive. Just take a look at what one ex Belden engineer designed over at Cabledyne (their entry level speaker cable). I, myself, use Tempo Electric speaker cables and the only real cost is in the silver used and the gauge necessary to get what I like out of it, and it's as simple a cable as one can get.

And, if you get that lower noise floor, freeing up more info to make it more enjoyable and realistic, that minute amount is across the board in any and all ways you chose to look at it adding up to a bigger and more satisfying amount of appreciation in what you hear.

You guys who say otherwise need a better argument.

All the best,
@dlcockrum ,
As much as I liked the political thread, it came to it's expected demise. I salute admin here for their tolerance and keeping things in order.

But as @prof  rightly points out, just what thread here doesn't go through the same twists and turns, only to end up an exercise in futility?

It's nice to get some kind of consensus now and again but audiophiles are no less ardent or strident when it comes to promoting their particular views on any matter. 

It's part and parcel for the game.

All the best,
This thread is just another case of deja vu, all over again. 
Everyone back to your corners and come out swinging at the sound of the bell.

Now, the bell will sound different depending on the cables you use...

All the best,
So, maybe my solid, soft annealed, silver, single core speaker wire with no terminations in an oversized jacket (making air the primary dielectric) is a good way to go after all. 

It has higher conductivity than copper and a less granularly crystal structure for a smoother propagation with virtually no reflections due to the lack of terminations.

Did I get that right?

All the best,
I didn't mean to infer that it was your axe to grind, @calvinj . 
Threads like these are done in shorthand. 

Just in my price range, I have about half a dozen cables which I try out with every new component. I have two that are my go to cables but I always try out the others to hear how they fare and they seem to have the same qualities and limits that they always do, even when judging a new component.

All the best,
There's been a lot of discussion about recording on past threads with recording engineers already weighing in on this topic. Some say it's all bunk and some say otherwise. Some even say that when budget allows, some studios opt for better cables than originally used. 

There was even a link that showed where one studio went with Nordost cables and were impressed with the improvement. But all of that can be discounted as some kind of quid pro quo, couldn't it?

I don't know how many times this topic can come up but it will continue to do so as long as some here have an axe to grind.

All the best,
Take an old photograph made with old technology. Do you think you can accurately reproduce it with better tech? Of course. If you were to take that old photo and took a photo of it with the same old tech it was originally taken with, you'd end up with a degraded facsimile. 

Do it enough times and you'd have an awful looking photo compared to the original. All of that old tech was good enough to arrive at it's present state of existence. Now, the order of the day is to faithfully reproduce what you have with something of an order better than the original so as to not further degrade it. 

In fact, you can pull off of that recording things you wouldn't/couldn't get with the older tech. They do it all the time when remastering.

All the best,
I hate that we have people that make fun of hearing what we actually here instead of being serious. If you don’t like cables take your chicken wire and beat it

Of course cables matter. The argument should never be debated with the premise of "regular vs high priced" cables. That's a fool's errand.
Just a look at what there is to offer in your price range will reveal sonic differences.

Set your parameters and have at it. Trust your ears.

All the best,