Yes they do.  I’m not here to advocate for any particular brand but I’ve heard a lot and they do matter. High Fidelity reveal cables, Kubala Sosna Elation and Clarity Cable Natural. I’m having a listening session where all of them is doing a great job. I’ve had cables that were cheaper in my system but a nicely priced cable that matches your system is a must.  I’m not here to argue what I’m not hearing because I have a pretty good ear.  I’m enjoying these three brands today and each is presenting the music differently but very nicely. Those who say cables don’t matter. Get your ears checked.  I have a system that’s worth about 30 to 35k retail.  Now all of these brands are above 1k and up but they really are performing! What are your thoughts. 

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All Cables make a big difference, Power, Interconnect & Speaker Cables. There is also the very important matter of Cable Synergy. I have enough Components for 6 Systems, although only 3 Set-Up currently. Some Cables mate beautifully between some Components but not as well between others. Was just swapping out some different Cables for Bass & Mids/High's in one of my Set-up's whe I read this post, the differences are easily heard.