Yes they do.  I’m not here to advocate for any particular brand but I’ve heard a lot and they do matter. High Fidelity reveal cables, Kubala Sosna Elation and Clarity Cable Natural. I’m having a listening session where all of them is doing a great job. I’ve had cables that were cheaper in my system but a nicely priced cable that matches your system is a must.  I’m not here to argue what I’m not hearing because I have a pretty good ear.  I’m enjoying these three brands today and each is presenting the music differently but very nicely. Those who say cables don’t matter. Get your ears checked.  I have a system that’s worth about 30 to 35k retail.  Now all of these brands are above 1k and up but they really are performing! What are your thoughts. 

Showing 50 responses by calvinj

Listening to insanely priced Kubala sosna elation tonight on loan and they deliver beautiful sound for the price of a late model Japanese used car.  Lol.  Honestly, some of the high priced cables are way up there but some of them deliver beautiful sound.  I will be listening to the ct2 high fidelity next week! Can’t wait!
I’m not looking to replace anything. I actually had the opportunity to review the Kubala sosna elation from a dealer I buy from. I compared it to the cables I am now using. I’m happy with the cables I’m using I just wanted to see how something different sounded and the Kubala sosna elation sound really good. But price prohibitive power cords are 2k new Interconnects 7k new and speaker cables are 9k plus. They sound great in my system to tell the truth but I’m not going in that stratosphere. I get great sounds from high fidelity reveal and clarity Cable. The kabala elation is good as advertised though. The whip the butt of the KS emotion. Smooth yet musical and highly transparent. 
Anyway to my serious posters. I’m happy with the cables I have now. I just wanted to hear different ones in my system.  There is always costs benefit trade offs. There are those that can afford and are willing to go to the stratosphere. Best sound at all costs.  But for some who have highly resolving systems it’s worth every dime. If you can’t hear the difference clean you ears 
I hate that we have people that make fun of hearing what we actually here instead of being serious. If you don’t like cables take your chicken wire and beat it
Hey I’m open to if you believe they don’t. I probably won’t agree though. I test things on really well recorded music and I listen to the music mainly based on those to review the cables and the system. I’m at a point to where I’m maximizing the sound of my equipment. 
Not confusing at all.  I post quite a bit.  I don’t mind serious conversation at all I just don’t care for all of the goofy talk. It seems like on most threads I been on certain folks come on and start making up words and talking goofy. I don’t mind skepticism but keep the conversation real!
Rhartshon.  Great catch. Lol.  I agree. They make a difference at all levels. As far as all the jibber jabber from some others I put it in and sounds better to me. I don’t need the science or studio talk. If you provide me airy highs open midrange nice soundstage tight deep bass and transparency I’m happy.   Don’t care how u got there. 
Thanks fellas. They do sound great. Too bad I ain’t got a brinks truck. Honestly though Kubala elation is great but high fidelity reveal and clarity Cable both do a great job for a lot cheaper.  Just in different ways. On another note I’m tired of the space Martian copper talk when it comes to Cables. If it uses iron from zamunda and don’t sound good I could care less! 
It will. Some have an axe to grind. There are those of us that know that they make a difference based on the ability of your system to be resolving and transparent 
No problem nonoise.  Wasn’t referring to you.  Some just don’t believe in cables.  Some of us do.  We all,spend different amounts. It’s cool 
The conclusion is that for those with good ears they make a difference. But what is a good ear? YOUR OWN EAR! 
I’m not attacking anyone. If you don’t believe it. It’s fine with me. I do believe they do and I have more in common with those that do. No issue with you or anyone. Like I said I don’t have time for the weirdo goofy talk that’s all. Enjoy your system. I will enjoy my system and my cables. Lol. Best wishes. 
Don’t take my words out of context. I will explain so that I’m clear. There are posters on this thread who would go on these type of threads and make up words and play goofy games with the posts by making up goofy weirdo words. Like they were Marvin the Martian or somebody. They know who they are I don’t have to call names. Anyway the post isn’t about me disagreeing with those who don’t do the Cable thing.  Anyway agree and do what you please. It’s your system. Enjoy. 
Anyway quantum teleportation is goofy weirdo talk! Not bragging on the cost of my system. I have friends that bought system 4 or 5 times the cost of mine. I only mentioned cost to be relative for the readers. Anyway no need to brag on what I paid for my system. I think for me it’s not a lot. 
For me they make a difference for,some they don’t.  If they don’t enjoy your music.
Now the last 6 posts are sensible. I got the best components and speakers I could get and now I’m using the cabling for small tweaking.  Been blesses to get the right mix that I have now. Geokaffit no harm no foul.  You been posting goofy for a while.  Lol.  Enjoy your systems everyone.  If you use chicken wire, generic Cable or Bentley Cable. As long as you are happy. 
Yup oink oink I like dem ribs! Anyway sorry about the spelling. Enjoy your system. I’ll enjoy my system and cables. To each his own. I’m such a great guy! 
I must be hearing things. I guess the cables don’t matter to,some and matter to others. Your ear is your ear. Believe it and enjoy!
Look I think the more resolving your speakers and components are the bigger the difference the cabling makes. The people at Gato Audio in Denmark have a lot of technology in developing their speakers.  KR Audio and Resonessence Labs also spend a lot developing the products. When you start getting up there and your system is able to reproduce closer to real musical experiences the the cables make more of a difference. Spending a resonable amount on cables in a High end system makes sense  
I don’t get into the science project answers! So anyone please don’t get upset if it seems like I don’t answer your question.  The bottom line is that it has been my experience when I put random cheap cable in I lose fidelity to my ears. It may be a change in the sound. I like an open midrange tight bass and extended highs. Some cables do that in my system. I’m going to like those more. I started this thread because at the end of the day cables matter. To some they matter because they change what we hear. For others it drives them nuts because some of us in their eyes spend too much for zero improvement based on what they hear or can’t hear. Some of us would rather spend more on equipment or tweaks. I enjoy what my cables do and I can tell the difference. To each his own. I’m not hear for case study. I enjoy the tunes. You should too cables or not!
@prof I was not ignoring you. You make some valid points I just think your hearing is off a little! Enjoy! Lol. 
I agree Paul. I had a Parasound cd1and the in power cord it would take is its own stock one.
I think it’s all relative. In my situation putting about 5 to 7k in cabling is ok because it allows my system to open up in ways that I like as opposed to the cheaper generic cabling. For example the clarity cable gives me great lower midrange and extended highs and I like those qualities. High fidelity reveal gives a big sound with great bass and good detail. Kubala sosna gives a great transparent sound with a smooth openness but they are out my systems price range. I started this thread to not down any non believers. But some people don’t have resolving systems.  Some people have not heard the best systems out there.  I’ve heard the majority of the uber expensive brands and as a reference point I’ve come to the conclusion that cables matter! 
Cool. There are different systems now. You got vintage audio guys then you have the newer school guys. Big on transparency and fidelity.  Soundstage depth and with inner detail.  There is more than one great sound.  My system is really transparent. Has nice detail and depth. Nice silky extended highs, open mids.   My equipment and cables got me there. 
Some people just don’t have systems where it’s worth it. Some do. Putting high priced cables on low end systems don’t work. Your systems have to be resolving for it to matter.  Some people don’t have the hearing or the proper reference point. 
Thanks Elizabeth very well said. One more thing. EARS TO GEAR IS WHAT ITS ABOUT ADUH! 
It’s sounds good or it don’t. It don’t take a thesis to say yes or no PROFESSOR. 

Someone is defensive about being called a naysayer. You are a Cable naysayer. I really feel sorry for you and your lack of hearing. I do
Yes essentially Calvinj has shown that in his system he hears a difference between cables. He has also shown that it’s very simple to come to the conclusion. Do you like the sound better in your system based on the cables you use? Yes. If you do and it’s reasonable in cost then get them. Simple it’s not that hard. Doesn’t take a thesis!
Dlcockrum. Lol. You are so right. Round and around wit the Marvin the martian space language 
No baiting here. You can’t hear well so how can we talk. Lol.  Any way different cables. Different sounds. Find the ones you like. 
I can tell the difference in cables by treble extension. How open the midrange is. How deep the bass is.  Does the music sound forward or pushed back. There are some of the same differences in equipment. Speaker cables are made all different ways with different materials and shielding etc. To say that we can hear the difference is foolish!
Not trying to be dismissive or anything. I have heard the top systems and cables in the country. Vintage audio and today’s high fi is really different. I’ve spent years listening, trying and review gear and cables. So I have my opinion and you have yours. 
Not not a one way conversation. I’m in this hobby to enjoy the music. I listen to people’s thoughts. This ain’t debate class for me. I talk and debate for a living.  I know they make a difference and they matter. I honestly don’t read the super long thesis questions. No disrespect. I just don’t think you have good hearing. So for me to respond is pointless 
Lol. Gonna tell someone whose system you’ve never heard that they can’t hear differences in cables. Hmm interesting. To each his own
Yup psycho babble is at an all time. You either like the sound or you don’t. 
I wasn’t expecting it to turn into blah blah blah. I don’t do scientific testing. I’m only interested in sound. I don’t care about the science or a thesis. I don’t answer your questions cause I don’t care about them. No offense. There are different levels to audio. Sometimes you have your vintage guys. You have the lower end systems then when you hit midfi you have better equipment with transparency. Then when you hit the high end you have special equipment that most of the time performs better where you can hear more and suttle changes in sound. I have heard vintage gear all the way to,a 700k system so I have some gauging on what’s possible Audio wise. My system is modest in my eyes  but I have a great sound I’m happy with where I hear the differences in cabling. You may not. Your hearing might be off. Maybe your equipment doesn’t do what some of the others I’ve heard do. Anyway enjoy your music and your theory. 
No not outside my interest as far as debating is concerned. I’ve read your viewpoint. Your several viewpoints actually. They are long and winding.  I’m looking at others at this point. No offense to you and the thesis. Lol. Enjoy 
Ricred1 finally a voice of reason. Some systems are not made of constructed  upon which someone can hear a difference. There are audible difference in cables. Some can cause a wider soundstage, better bass, more airy treble, a more open midrange, some are more forward than others. Some systems are not as transparent or resolving as others. Some people have never really experienced higher end systems for long periods of time to even be able to have a decent reference point. Anyway I think some guys made it too complicated. 
If your system is resolving and transparent. You will hear a difference in cabling.  Maybe you like it maybe you don’t but you will hear a difference.