Be warned, the solid core stuff is fragile.
Diy interconnects RCA connectors.
You looked at the wrong cable. :) They have two. One is stranded and plated, the other is NOT stranded and solid silver. I don't think Emotiva is deliberately tuned. It's just incredibly thin sounding to my ears. I bought a processor ages ago to evaluate it, hoping it would replace my 10 year old Theta and the Theta absolutely spanked it. Emotiva sounded like inexpensive Asian made processor/receivers do to me. Perhaps this has changed recently, but I don't see myself revisiting that. Best, Erik |
You should try the Connex / DH Labs solid core wire. Perfectly natural. I read somewhere that transitioning from metal to metal has some measurable (if very small) effect on signal transmission in audio, so I try to keep to 1 metal through out my connectors. Parts Connexion is having a sale, especially on the top-end silver KLE connectors. :) Best, Erik |